We can’t stress it enough: the health of our intestinal microbiota has a direct influence on our well-being! If you have a health problem, the first thing to do is to restore the balance of your intestinal microbiota. This often resolves many problems. In all cases, it helps restore or boost lost energy.
Microalgae, and in particular chlorella, have long been known to have a positive influence on our intestinal functions. They therefore have a major impact on our intestinal microbiota! In fact, chlorella is a remarkable remedy for constipation! It was thanks to this first quality that it began to be used in Japanese hospitals in the middle of the last century. Since then, it has demonstrated many other virtues, and numerous studies have been launched to learn more about its beneficial effects on our health.
Organic chlorella stimulates intestinal activity, because it has a major effect on our intestinal microbiota . Its regular consumption, which helps maintain a beneficial balance in our microbiota, partly explains its natural doping effect and its ability to stimulate our immune system. In this article, you’ll find the best tips and techniques for strengthening your intestinal microbiota to regain or boost its tone, or simply to boost your immune system to stay in excellent health.
To maintain your intestinal microbiota, we recommend a healthy lifestyle. This means eating a healthy, varied and balanced diet, excluding refined products and industrial preparations, getting some physical exercise and eliminating stress as much as possible.
It’s also important to ensure adequate consumption of foods containing probiotics and prebiotics. As a reminder, probiotics are made up of bacteria living in our intestines. Prebiotics are foods from the bacteria that live in our intestines, usually fibers. Our diet must ensure that we maintain a good balance in the number and variety of bacteria in our gut.
Maintaining our intestinal microbiota means ensuring the good health of our second brain. See our article on “The belly, our second brain”.
Taking care of your intestinal microbiota, through good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, is an excellent natural way to protect yourself by stimulating your defense system. This measure is even more recommended in times of risk of contamination by opportunistic viruses such as influenza … SARS, coronavirus … Chlorella and spirulina are precious allies.
The human microbiota and its influence on health

The intestinal microbiota is also known as the intestinal flora. We should rather call it “fauna”, as it consists of billions of bacteria divided into different families, each with a specific role to play while living in perfect symbiosis.The intestine is full of nerve endings that communicate with the brain. Today, we know that intestinal bacteria play a major role in establishing this link.
Our intestinal bacteria help protect our immune system. They are involved in central nervous system disorders such as anxiety, depression and autism. They play an important role in diseases such as obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Intestinal bacteria influence autoimmune diseases, which reflect a serious disorder in gut-brain communication. They are implicated in inflammatory diseases such as those affecting joints (arthritis) and the intestine, and are also implicated in colon cancer.The composition of our intestinal microbiota influences the development of diseases such as :
– Obesity
– Heart disease
– Type 2 diabetes
– Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel)
– Colon cancer
– Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis)
– Anxiety, depression
– Autism
These new discoveries about the intestinal microbiota are full of hope! The hope of discovering “new bacteria” and the means to encourage their development, capable of having a positive impact on the body, where current therapies have been unsuccessful.
Boost your microbiota with a probiotic-rich diet
Taking probiotics in capsule form can be a useful addition to your diet. It is advisable to regularly change the type of probiotics you take, in order to find the bacteria that suit you best, or those that you are lacking.
To boost your probiotic intake, take :
– Fermented milk
– Kefir
– Kombucha
– Fermented vegetables
Vegetables can be fermented or lacto-fermented, the best-known being sauerkraut. “Lacto-fermented” does not mean the presence of lactose, but the presence of lactic acid.
Eating fermented vegetables: probiotics and prebiotics
You can also prepare your own fermented vegetables. Prepared in this way, your vegetables will be better assimilated, particularly in terms of the micro-nutrients they are rich in. The lacto-fermentation reaction increases the bioavailability of minerals and trace elements to the body.
The advantage of these preparations is that you consume both the probiotics derived from lacto-fermentation and the prebiotics composed of vegetable fibers. In all cases, whether or not you enrich your diet with intestinal bacteria, you need to ensure that they have enough to nourish and develop. This means consuming prebiotics. Prebiotics are mainly found in vegetables and fruit, since they are the fibers that make up part of these foods.
Microalgae such as chlorella contain between 10 and 20% of prebiotic fibers, which are excellent for your health, in addition to all the minerals, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, etc., that they contain.
Most vegetables are suitable for lacto-fermentation: cabbage, onion, carrot, cucumber, eggplant, bean, green tomato, gherkin, garlic…
– Choose vegetables from a trusted organic or sustainable farmer.
– Carefully wash your vegetables and cut them into thin strips.
– Place in a jar as for jam
– Fill with salted water (1 tablespoon per liter of water, adjust to taste).
– Close the jar and leave at room temperature (20 to 22°C) for 2 to 3 days, then leave for a month or so in a cooler place (about 15°C).
– After opening, store in a cool place for a maximum of two weeks.
– Mix and match vegetables to add color
– Add flavor and properties to your preparations by enriching them with spices, garlic, herbs, turmeric, ginger…
See also the article “The difference between probiotics and prebiotics”.
Organic Chlorella, grown in Europe, in glass tubes