Organic spirulina bio is a precious ally to maintain one’s weight or to regain a weight in accordance with one’s personality. It acts naturally as a fat burner, helps to lose weight and to maintain one’s weight in harmonious proportions (BMI or IMC).
Spirulina allows us to control our weight

Microalgae are increasingly known and used for their neutraceutical virtues or their properties on health. Their composition makes them remarkable natural foods that provide micro-nutrients that complement or balance our diet. They contain bioactive components that give them antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-microbial properties…
Researchers have demonstrated that they possess components whose activity can fight against overweight and even obesity. The anti-obesity activity of microalgae is no longer in doubt because it has been widely verified.
Among the microalgae whose consumption is authorized, spirulina has been the subject of studies on its anti-obesity properties (Saioa Gómez-Zorita 2020).
A large number of scientific articles have been published in recent years on this topic. They present the results obtained in-vivo, in-vitro as well as the results of clinical studies conducted in double blind in humans. The capacities of microalgae to fight against obesity appear obvious.
Thus, spirulina allows to eliminate fats. It helps to lose weight and to control it. Spirulina is an excellent dietary supplement that helps you lose weight and avoids the deficiencies often associated with diets that are a little too severe or poorly followed.
What is the BMI?
The BMI or body mass index is the BMI or body composition index. It is an index recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) that allows to calculate the corpulence of a person according to his weight and height.
It is calculated as follows: divide the weight (in kg) by the square of the height (m2).
A BMI considered normal by the medical profession is between 18.5 and 25. If it is between 25 and 30, it is overweight and between 30 and 40 it is obese. Above 40 BMI, obesity is a major risk for survival as well as a BMI below 15 indicating excessive thinness. In France about 15% of the population is affected by obesity, according to the latest Obepi Roche, Medical Research, Cardiovascular Disease survey of 2012.
Overweight or simply overweight is a known risk factor for many cardiovascular diseases, such as; hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis but also diabetes, joint problems…
It is important to find the right weight, the one where you feel good in your body and in your head. With age, we tend to gain weight and it becomes more and more difficult to lose our excess weight. It is therefore preferable to prevent the installation of excess weight. To take care of your health, it is recommended to have a healthy, varied and balanced diet and regular physical activity.
Recommended dosage
The studies that show the effects of spirulina on weight loss and obesity control conclude effects from three months of consumption for an intake of spirulina between 1 to 4.5 grams per day . See also the complete guide ➤ Organic Spirulina: Advice for use and Dosage.
Explanation: How can Spirulina help us lose weight?
Scientists have published the results of studies on the mechanisms of action allowing a better understanding of the properties of microalgae on fat management and therefore on weight control. In summary, the bioactive components of microalgae such as spirulina, act by limiting the accumulation of fat in the tissues.
Scientists explain why spirulina helps to control weight:
The mechanism of action of spirulina is the inhibition of the differentiation of pre-adipocytes thus reducing de novo lipogenesis and the assembly of triglycerides (TG). This results in a decrease in the accumulation of fat in the tissues. The amplification of the fatty acid oxidation reaction and the increase in lipolysis contribute to reduce the possibilities of fat storage. Simply put, spirulina limits the maturation of adipocytes, these fat cells intended to be stored in tissues.
In addition, by causing an increase in energy expenditure due to thermogenesis, spirulina acts on adipose tissue by reducing storage capacity. In its own way, spirulina burns fat.
It is interesting to note that spirulina limits the excess storage of fat in the tissues and consequently reduces the side effects related to overweight. Less fat in excess in the tissues allows a better control of plasma lipids, a normal activity of insulin and therefore a reduction of diabetes and inflammation related to overweight.
Studies show an excellent synergy between the association of a regular consumption of spirulina and physical activity: an excellent program to lose weight while protecting your health!
Summary of the latest results of studies “spirulina and obesity
A large number of results of in-vitro and in-vivo studies can be found in the literature and in recent years clinical studies have been published. In the following, some summaries of studies and their references are presented.
The conclusions of the article by Sajjad Moradi et al, published in December 2019 in the journal “Complementary Therapies in Medicine” are as follows: spirulina supplementation significantly reduces body weight, especially in obese people!
This article provides a systematic review and meta-analysis to summarize published randomized clinical trials evaluating the effect of spirulina supplementation on obesity.
Relevant studies were identified using Embase, Scopus, ISI Web of Science, PubMed, and Cochrane library databases through May 2019. Mean differences (MDs) were pooled using a random effects model. Heterogeneity in confidence interval (CI)), sensitivity analysis, and publication bias were reported using standard methods.
These are the results of 5 studies (7 treatment groups) that showed a significant reduction in weight (DM: -1.56 kg, 95% CI: -1.98 to -1.14) after spirulina supplementation. A subgroup analysis based on health status revealed that the weight change in obese subjects (DM: -2.06 kg, 95% CI: -2.45 to -1.68) was greater than that in overweight participants (DM: -1.28 kg, 95% CI: -1.62 to -0.93) after spirulina supplementation. In addition, a pooled analysis showed that spirulina supplementation resulted in a significant reduction in body fat percentage (DM: -1.02, 95% CI: -1.49 to -0.54) and waist circumference (DM: -1.40, 95% CI: -1.40 to -1.39), but not in body mass index and waist to hip ratio.
Hernández-Lepe et al. conducted a double-blind clinical study to evaluate the effects of spirulina maxima on blood lipid levels and body mass index (BMI). The study combined spirulina consumption with physical exercise.
The study was conducted on a group of overweight adult men with dyslipidemia. The results show that a consumption of 4.5 g per day of spirulina associated with the implementation of a moderate physical activity, twice a week, lead to an improvement of the physical and biological conditions of the people involved. Spirulina acts in synergy with physical activity to reinforce the effects on body composition. It improves the cardiorespiratory characteristics and the lipidic profile reducing at the same time the cardiovascular risks.
Miczke & Szulinska et al. conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on a group of adults between 25 and 60 years of age with a BMI > 30 kg/m2 . Their consumption of 0.5 g, twice a day of spirulina after 3 months, led to a decrease in BMI, waist circumference, serum lipid levels, LDL-cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), glucose and insulin levels. No difference was observed in the level of HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) and TG.
Scientists show that after only 3 months of spirulina consumption, hypertensive patients with significant cardiovascular risks also show an improvement of their blood pressure and endothelial functions.
Zeinalian et al. conducted a 12-week double-blind placebo-controlled study (1 g per day of spirulina platensis. The results show positive effects on BMI, blood lipid levels with an effect on appetite reduction.
Yousefi et al. present the results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of subjects with a BMI between 25 and 40 kg/m2. The result of a spirulina supplementation of 0.5 g (x 2) per day for 12 weeks lead the scientists to present spirulina as an excellent dietary supplement for weight reduction.