Organic spirulina has many benefits: you will find in this guide different dosages according to the objectives, the complete list of benefits and contraindications to the consumption of organic spirulina to take into account.
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What is Organic Spirulina and what is its composition?
Spirulina, definition
Spirulina is a single-celled organism with a prokaryotic (lacking a nucleus) structure typical of bacteria. Photosynthesis occurs directly in the cytoplasm of the cell. It is the main species of cyanobacteria cultivated industrially for its recognized health properties.
The beneficial properties for our health have been known for a long time. Traces of its consumption have been found among very ancient civilizations including the Aztecs, or the populations living on the shores of Lake Chad where it is still used as a condiment called “Dihé”.
This small plant cell is among the most studied organisms in the world. These studies have resulted in the publication of several thousand articles in medical and scientific journals since the middle of the last century. Spirulina is a ” food ” according to the AFSSA Agence Française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments which became ANSES [1]. Its virtues are such that it is possible to market it as a health food supplement in the sense of the European regulation (*). Spirulina is generally offered for consumption without processing in a dehydrated state. It is found in the form of powder or flakes or in capsules or tablets. Industrialists are increasingly offering preparations containing spirulina, for example in energy drinks, cereal bars, bread, pasta, cookies …
Differences between classic spirulina and organic spirulina?
Nutrients used
Organic spirulina is certified as organic because its production corresponds to the criteria of the specifications. The main difference between the two productions is the origin of the elements used for the enrichment of the spirulina biomass: within the framework of an organic culture, they must also have an organic origin. The nutrients are brought by filtered clays.
A real nutritional bomb
• Protein
Studies have shown that some strains of spirulina can contain up to 65% protein, about 10% more protein than chlorella [11],[14], [5], [15]. It has been shown that the proteins in spirulina are perfectly well absorbed by our body [11].
Due to its high protein composition, the NASA is working on using spirulina to enrich the diets of astronauts on missions[16].
• Lipids
Spirulina provides polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including omega 6 [17],[18]. It is very complementary to chlorella which contains mainly omega 3.
• Mineral salts and trace elements
Spirulina contains valuable nutrients, such as iron, copper… However for supplementation needs it is advisable to prefer chlorella which is richer in iron.
• Vitamins
Spirulina contains vitamins in good proportion such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin K1. It has a vitamin B12 which for the most part is not assimilated because it is a pseudo vitamin B12.
3 g of spirulina provides almost the entire dose of vitamin K1 recommended by health authorities, it can indeed provide up to 40 micrograms (**).
• Antioxidant pigments
Antioxidants in our diet have been widely proven to have health benefits [20]. Spirulina is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) which are powerful antioxidants but it contains other antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and pigments : carotenoids and chlorophyll [11]. Spirulina is rich in phycocyanin its specific pigment which is a very active antioxidant compound. It also contains chlorophyll a particularly beneficial antioxidant compound [21].
• Average caloric values
Spirulina is a low-calorie food that contains Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron…and a little sodium (to be considered, however, in case of a salt-free diet). Organic Spirulina eChlorial For 100 g: 1377 kJ – 326 kCal. For 3 g : 41 kJ – 9.8 kCal.
Benefits of organic spirulina, advice for use and dosage
How much spirulina dosage per day?

For adults and teens, recommended dosages range from 3 to 5 g per day, which is between 7 and 12 400 mg organic spirulina tablets per day or a heaping teaspoon of powder.
Experiments show that a daily intake of 2 to 5 g for adults (in 1, 2 or 3 times taken during the day) of spirulina has significantly positive effects on quality of life.
For optimized effects, consumption should be daily. Regularity of intake is important. Even if the effects, particularly on tone and well-being, are felt before the end of the first month, optimal effectiveness requires consumption over time. An average cure optimized in duration is about 3 months.
Spirulina is particularly well suited for people with anemia or malnutrition, weakened by age or disease but also for athletes seeking performance or anyone looking for a natural energy supplement that can be quickly assimilated. Spirulina is particularly recommended for people suffering from anorexia who suffer from deficiencies.
Given the absence of risk in consuming them and the absence of deleterious side effects, the use of spirulina just like that of chlorella, is widely recommended in prevention but also in accompaniment to anti-cancer treatments and care.
Note: The dosage of spirulina that has been used in scientific and medical studies ranges from 1 to 10 g per day per adult.
When to take spirulina during the day?
Consumed alone spirulina is taken in the morning with a large glass of water. It is also possible to spread the intake throughout the day depending on the objectives targeted. In the case of an associated consumption of chlorella and spirulina, it is recommended to take chlorella in the morning on an empty stomach and spirulina in the afternoon or evening.
Joint pain and inflammation
Spirulina contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). PUFAs possess anti-inflammatory actions highlighted in studies [11], [12], [13].
Detox and Liver
The phycocyanin in spirulina has been shown to have real properties detoxifying. Associated with chlorophyll it helps the body to get rid of its pollutants such as heavy metals and toxins. Spirulina pigments such as phycocyanin and chlorophyll, are powerful antioxidants recognized very effective for detoxification.
It participates in the cleansing of the emunctories such as the liver. For a detox research it is recommended to associate spirulina with the intake of chlorella (see the article Differences between chlorella and spirulina). It is also necessary to remain very vigilant on the quality of the consumed micro-algae. These must be extra pure. It is recommended to choose products grown in Europe.
Excess blood sugar
Animal studies suggest that spirulina may control blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity. Its ability to regulate blood sugar levels would be a valuable aid in type II diabetes [8], [9],[10].
Organic spirulina can be used in weight loss diets because as an ultra complete food it will tend to act as an appetite suppressant and fill in some deficiencies. The posology recommended varies between 3 and 10 g per day, divided into one to three takes over the day.
Recent studies in obese individuals supplemented with spirulina show interesting results (Saioa Gómez-Zorita 2019, Szulinska 2017, Zeinalian 2017, Yousefi 2018 ) (A, B, C, D). In addition to a reduction in the accumulation of body fat in obese individuals, study results show that other parameters are improved. Plasma lipid levels, insulin resistance, diabetes and inflammation are improved when consuming microalgae.
Heart and the cholesterol
Regulating the level of fat in the blood can reduce cardiovascular risks. Spirulina would be able to moderate the levels of fat in the blood (dyslipidemia).
In vivo, in vitro and human studies have proven their benefits to our health [5] as well as their abilities to decrease the risks to our heart [6],[7].
Spirulina and pregnancy: is it indicated for pregnant or nursing women?
Spirulina is an excellent natural supplement suitable for young moms looking to boost their immune systems and those of their children. However, it is necessary to remain particularly vigilant as for the quality and the origin of the consumed organic spirulina. Pregnancy being a particular situation, it is always wise to ask the advice of your doctor. Consumption can be 5 to 10 g per day, divided into one to three intakes during the day.
Spirulina and Sports: muscle building and mass gain
For a search for performance enhancement, consumption can varied between 5 and 10 g per day, divided into one to three intakes during the day. Spirulina is also particularly well indicated to accelerate recovery. The assimilation of proteins and other nutrients is optimal within 30 minutes after the effort.
Spirulina promotes cell regeneration and red blood cell production! It contains phycocyanin (between 5 and 20% depending on the products and the method of analysis) and phycocyanobilin (about 1%), which are super antioxidant pigments, equivalent to “EPO”. It owes its blue color but also most of its properties to these pigments, including its ability to regenerate our blood cells.
Phycocyanin and phycocyanobilin have been shown to increase performance, endurance and muscle recovery. The results of studies on the benefits of these very specific pigments in Spirulina are particularly numerous and well documented in the scientific and medical literature.
Microalgae grown in fresh water do not contain iodine. They are recommended for thyroid problems. Spirulina and chlorella can restore energy for all those who have health problems whose symptoms are excess fatigue.
The brain and its cognitive functions
It cleanses our bodies and enriches them with valuable nutrients for our brains. Sleep, concentration and cognitive brain functions are improved.
Skin and Mucous membranes
Spirulina strengthens our mucous membranes and helps protect our skin.
Hair and Nails
It stimulates cell development and promotes hair growth. Hair is denser and nails are less brittle.
Animals: dog, cat, and horse
Spirulina is as good for human health as it is for animals. Every day 1% of their food ration in spirulina powder form will give them tone and vitality.
Posology for Children
Spirulina can be consumed at all ages. Doses should be adjusted as needed.
Can spirulina and chlorella be consumed at the same time?
For a research amplification of the energizing effect, the combination chlorella and spirulina is recommended. The dosage of chlorella and spirulina, taken in combination, can vary from 2 to 5 g per day and per product for an adult.
In the case of a low-calorie diet, or if the diet is poorly balanced, it is recommended to combine 2 to 5 g of spirulina and chlorella at 50/50.
According to one’s own needs one will choose to consume chlorella and/or spirulina, alone or combined, in cures (of 3 months, 2 cures per year) or throughout the year.
Contraindications, harms and side effects
Contraindications and dangers
Before consuming spirulina, which contains a high level of vitamin K1, people who are taking high doses of anticoagulants, should first seek the advice of their doctor.
Vitamin B12
Spirulina alone does not provide sufficient vitamin B12 supplementation to vegetarians because it essentially contains a pseudo non-assimilated vitamin B12. It has been shown that single supplementation of vegetarians with spirulina does not prevent vitamin B12 [22] deficiencies.
People who eat little or no meat, including the elderly, vegetarians, vegans, and people on meatless diets need to supplement with absorbable vitamin B12. Chlorella grown in glass tubes is ideal for this a good supplementation in vitamin B12.
Spirulina is not indicated for people with phenylketonuria.
The ANSES (ANS) in its report on the risks associated with the consumption of dietary supplements containing spirulina [4], specifies that spirulina is not indicated for people with phenylketonuria (a rare genetic disease linked to the accumulation of the amino acid phenylalanine in the body) because it contains it. The same is true for people who have an allergic terrain or who are prone to drop attacks.
Salt-free diet
In case of diet it will be advisable not to neglect the contribution in sodium (salt) of spirulina (about 2 g for 100 g that is 0.06 g of salt for 3 g of spirulina).
Is organic spirulina dangerous?
How to choose your organic spirulina?
Check its origin
No toxicity has ever been observed with spirulina with products of unquestionable quality. The ANSES (ANS) [1] in its 2014 report on the risks associated with the consumption of dietary supplements containing spirulina [4], stresses the importance of choosing the quality of its product. In case of diet it will be advisable not to neglect the intake of sodium (salt) from spirulina.
It is very important to check the location of cultivation of microalgae. There is now organic spirulina, grown in Europe.
Organic Spirulina Powder

Spirulina and regulations
Food supplements are regulated by the European Parliament directive, transposed into French law by the decree n°2006-352 [2]. They are defined, according to Article 2, as ” foods whose purpose is to supplement the normal diet and which constitute a concentrated source of nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect alone or combined … “.
US regulations
American authorities represented by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have given spirulina the status of ” product recognized as safe for consumption ” : GRAS status (Generally Recognized as Safe) [3].