Male infertility, an increasingly frequent problem
We talk a lot about female infertility, but male infertility is at the origin of 50% of the problems encountered by a couple wishing to have a child.
Causes of male infertility
The presence of oxidants contributes to the reduction of spermatozoa activity and even to their deterioration. They can be a cause of male infertility.
Oxidants are residues that result from the normal functioning of organs. Their content can be increased by a strongly polluted environment, by a bad hygiene of life or the excessive consumption of toxic products such as tobacco, alcohol.
Astaxanthin reinforces male fertility by promoting the mobility and functionality of spermatozoa*.

In the search for solutions in the fight against male infertility, the action of oral antioxidant supplements has been studied for several years. A summary of published studies is proposed by Ross C. and col. in 2010 (1).
A study published by the team of scientists Combaire H. and col. in 2005 (2) showed that the daily consumption of 16 mg of astaxanthin, combined with a treatment to fight infertility, can lead to very positive results.
Boosting spermatozoids
The results show beneficial effects on sperm characteristics and fertilization rate. The rate of oxidation residues(reactive oxygen species) or ROS is significantly reduced in the group that consumed astaxanthin and remains unchanged in the group that consumed the placebo.
The concentration of spermatozoa and their mobility was also increased in the astaxanthin group. It would be interesting to continue the research with a study involving a larger number of patients, but the results obtained are very encouraging:
“The pregnancy rate found was 54% for the Astaxanthin group while it was 10% in the control group.”
Source at bottom of page (2)
What is astaxanthin?
Astaxanthin is not a drug, but an ultra-powerful natural carotenoid (6,000 times more powerful than vitamin C, or 800 times more powerful than coenzyme Q10). It is found in certain plants, algae, microalgae because it participates in photosynthesis. With other carotenoids such as lutein, carotene, lycopene, astaxanthin participates in the coloration of some aquatic animals that feed on it. This is the case of salmon, shrimp, lobster, flamingo, etc.
See also : Astaxanthin: the king pigment of antioxidants
In addition to its benefits for our brain, eyes, heart, muscles, skin and immune system, astaxanthin promotes the mobility and function of spermatozoa strengthening male fertility.
Astaxanthin is found in the natural environment but it is possible to produce synthetic astaxanthin that can be found in the market.
Where to buy quality natural astaxanthin?
For use in dietary supplements, the recommended astaxanthin is natural, the one extracted from the microalgae Hematococcus pluvialis, under specific conditions without using solvents. The eChlorial brand, French specialist in high quality microalgae, offers a natural astaxanthin grown in Europe, extracted without solvents.
Fight against male infertility
– Review your lifestyle
For a man as for a woman when the desire to give life has arrived, it is important that they put themselves in the best conditions for procreation. It is also essential to give oneself the best conditions to conceive a child in good health. The lifestyle and especially the food hygiene is sometimes to be reconsidered.
– Doing some exerciseand sleepenough
Follow these common sense recommendations, such as: banish stress, tobacco, alcohol or other drugs, practice regular physical activity, sleep quietly at least 8 hours a day.
– Eat a healthy diet
A healthy, varied and balanced diet is to be preferred. It is recommended to choose organic products or products grown by local producers. A food supplement can be useful in case of deficiency or in case of a special diet.
In recent years, studies have shown that the addition of certain food supplements such as algae can be valuable in promoting fertility.
European Organic Astaxanthin

Trial offer ( 2 x 30 ) Premium Astaxanthin