I tried Chlorella for the first time 3 months ago as I was looking for a solution to stop my endless painful symptoms due to fibromyalgia. After one month of treatment only I noticed a clear improvement. My sufferings were almost imperceptible and it did not take me half an hour to get out of my bed every morning anymore!
Another noticeable change which I did not expect at all was the partial decrease of my hyperhydrosis symptoms (which I experience since I am a child), meaning that I had days where I did not sweat at all neither from my hands nor from my feet. A very high temperature can still trigger this problem but only temporarily. Only people who have these symptoms can understand how much my life has improved since then!
When I stopped taking Chlorella after a two months cure, the symptoms came back, alas… This is why I decided to make another cure of Chlorella, longer this time. At the same time I also took two Omega 3 pills per day. I feel much better now.
I highly recommend all the people suffering from fibromyalgia symptoms to try out Chlorella as allopathic medicine did not find a solution to this problem yet.