
Chlorella stabilizes cholesterol levels

A study shows the effectiveness of chlorella consumed as a dietary supplement (5g/day) to reduce the risk of mortality. Cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of mortality due to the aging of the population. A high level of cholesterol in the blood represents a major risk. According to a recent and very serious study, the […]

Attention: Food Alert!

European notifications following the discovery of salmonella and toxic substances (benzo(a)pyrene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in “Chlorella Bio” (Organic chlorella) from China. Official links below: Alert: benzo(a)pyrene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Alert: Salmonella Be vigilant and only choose products whose quality and origin you are sure of. Don’t be fooled by the “organic” label, which is not […]

Chlorella Usage Recommendations and Contraindications

Chlorella, micro-algae, is a food! Chlorella is not considered as a medicine, yet it has many health properties, validated by health authorities, the best known of which (but not the only one) is its ability to help detoxify heavy metals from our body*. The scientific literature is rich in publications and recognized articles that describe […]

Chlorella is rich in vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a vital nutrient for our cells. In particular, it is an important dietary supplement for anyone who eats little or no meat, such as vegetarians, vegans, and the elderly. Three grams of Chlorella Echlorial contains the recommended daily amount of vitamin B12. Note: Not all Chlorella contains vitamin B12, including Chlorella that […]

Klinghardt’s natural detoxification program with Chlorella

Program for the detoxification of heavy metals according to Klinghardt For the detoxification of heavy metals, Klinghardt recommends the use of organic chlorella along with Allium ursinum (also known as bear’s garlic) and Coriandrum. This program (P1 and P2) lasts 3-4 months altogether and requires 1.2-1.5 kg of chlorella, according to the given average doses. A preventative […]

Chlorella for Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers

Chlorella contains a growth factor (CGF) that facilitates the production and regeneration of the body’s tissues, making it a valuable supplement for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Additionally, Chlorella acts as a powerful detoxifying agent, it is therefore very important to select a high quality chlorella that has not been in contact with pollutants, such as […]

The Truth About Broken Cell Chlorella

Efficiency and digestibility between different Chlorellas, especially broken cell chlorellas? Is there a difference in digestibility between the varieties of chlorella found on the market? The answer is NO But there is an explanation for the fact that some companies recommend their chlorellas with broken membranes under the false pretext that they are more digestible! Some […]

Differences between Chlorella and Spirulina

If we were to retain only two health food supplements it would unquestionably be the chlorella and the spirulina. These two superfoods with exceptional benefits to our health are both comparable and complementary ! Organic Chlorella and organic spirulina are microorganisms that thrive in water. They are called “micro-algae ” because they are rich in photosynthetic pigments, […]

Chlorella and the Immune System

Stabilization against bacterial infections Based on the observations that people consuming microalgae on a regular basis seemed to be more resistant against infectious diseases, the first systematic research was conducted on this phenomenon in the mid-sixties in Japan. A field study with a group of about 1000 Japanese marine soldiers over a period of 95 […]

Detoxifying Power of Chlorella

Chlorella and Detoxification Chlorella vulgaris has a three-layer cell wall, mainly composed of cellulose and chitin. This wall has great adsorbing properties towards xenobiotics, for example organic toxins like dioxin or heavy metals like mercury, cadmium or lead. This means that chlorella has the capacity to fix heavy metalsThis means that chlorella has the ability […]

Chlorellas comparison: Analysis

Our Organic Chlorella Chlorella grown in glass tubes reveals it to be one of the purest Chlorella on the market, both in terms of purity from heavy metals and guaranteed absence of blue-green algae contamination. A comparative analysis of different Chlorella products on the market gives edifying results in terms of heavy metal content and […]

Differences between chlorella vulgaris and pyrenoidosa?

There are 3 varieties of Chlorella Chlorella is a unicellular eukaryotic alga that grows under both phototrophic and mixotrophic conditions mainly in freshwater. Botanists describe a large number of species of Chlorella but today recognize only three varieties (Krienitz et al., 2004)[1] . The three varieties of Chlorella defined by botanists are: • Chlorella vulgaris• […]

Purity of Chlorella ?

Why is the purity of Chlorella essential? The Chlorella consumed must be absolutely pure. The micro-alga Chlorella will start by cleaning its environment, which will be first of all its culture medium. It will instantly fix the heavy metals present in its environment and keep them trapped by its membrane. Chlorella has a hyper affinity […]

Solving chronic problems

Constipation, fatigue, menopause, Candida albican, skin (psoriasis), stress, brittle nails, sparse hair, … The effect of chlorella on intestinal function is immediate, from the very first days! That’s why it’s advisable to reach the recommended daily dose of around 3 grams a day, or 10 tablets, within a few days, depending on reactions (See Chlorella: […]