
  • Energy
  • Intestines

Overall health boost

I’ve been using Chlorella for approximately one year now and it’s been great. I have noticed a difference; my digestive track is better regulated, my immune system and overall health are noticeably up. I do plan to continue using this and I would definitely recommend it to anyone that’s looking for an overall health boost!


Anonymous, 1 October 2015
  • Fibromyalgia

Clear improvement of my health after taking Chlorella

I tried Chlorella for the first time 3 months ago as I was looking for a solution to stop my endless painful symptoms due to fibromyalgia. After one month of treatment only I noticed a clear improvement. My sufferings were almost imperceptible and it did not take me half an hour to get out of my bed every morning anymore!

Another noticeable change which I did not expect at all was the partial decrease of my hyperhydrosis symptoms (which I experience since I am a child), meaning that I had days where I did not sweat at all neither from my hands nor from my feet. A very high temperature can still trigger this problem but only temporarily. Only people who have these symptoms can understand how much my life has improved since then!

When I stopped taking Chlorella after a two months cure, the symptoms came back, alas… This is why I decided to make another cure of Chlorella, longer this time. At the same time I also took two Omega 3 pills per day. I feel much better now.

I highly recommend all the people suffering from fibromyalgia symptoms to try out Chlorella as allopathic medicine did not find a solution to this problem yet.


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Energy
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Well being

I can do my groceries again!

I can do my groceries again!

After a 3 months cure of Chlorella at very high doses (10 pills, three times a day), I finally can go back to the market and do my grocery shopping! I lost my strength year after year since I suffer from fibromyalgia.

I am 74 years old and Chlorella gave me back the feeling that this was not the end. I am not going to stop taking Chlorella as it also is free of side effects, which is not the case for a number of medical treatments.


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Candida Albicans

Thank you Chlorella, it took me only 10 days to feel better!

Thank you CHLORELLA, it took me only 10 DAYS to feel better! And no more mucous problems due to Candida Albicans ever since!

Nobody ever told me about this “Chlorella”, but I found out about it thanks to this fabulous tool: the internet.

I was suffering from vaginal mycosis due to the presence of Candida Albicans (its presence is normal, but its proliferation can be a problem). I could not find anything to get rid of it. Classic treatments do treat the problem… temporarily. In my case, it lasted one month only. I tried many things including ovum and oils, but it always came back.

In 2011 I had another crisis and tried a zinc and grapefruit seeds cure – which did not work. I could not take it anymore.

I spent hours on the internet, browsing testimonials pages, which one day brought me here… I have to admit that at first I was septic. I was thinking “one more thing that is not going to work”. Also, I already spent significant amount of money in other treatments so I decided that I would finish these ones and then try Chlorella afterwards… If only I had known!

I ordered and received my box two days later. I took 15 pills the first day, and then I kept taking it for the next couple of days. 10 DAYS!!! It only took 10 DAYS for me to start feeling better! I could not believe it… I did not dare saying it aloud, too scared that it might come back… It did not. No more crisis since I am taking Chlorella on a daily basis.

I am not going to stop taking Chlorella for a while, that’s for sure. Thank you for everything, thank you for selling this product: it changed my life as a woman. I recommend it to every woman who suffers from allergy to candida albicans, and I wish you will feel the positive effects as fast as I felt them.


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Candida Albicans

Chlorella and candida albicans

Chlorella allowed me to manage my allergy to Candida albicans that I suffered from for several years.

I have been suffering for years from an allergy to Candida albicans. I noticed a drastic positive change regarding my mucous membranes since I am taking Chlorella. I have tried Chlorella and rapidly noticed significant changes in my health’s quality.

After a first cure of 3 months my sore drastically diminished. I could wear again pants that I did not dare wearing anymore because of the pain that was resulting from the frictions.

I am taking Chlorella all year long, 3 grams per day. I feel much better and consider that my problem is now under control, which is a priceless benefit in my life.


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Energy
  • Intestines
  • Well being

Chlorella seemed too “Miraculous”

Chlorella seemed too “Miraculous”; I did not believe its virtues at first…

We are respectively 54 and 60 years old and recently started taking Chlorella (10 pills/day)

We felt incredible after 10 days! We were more physically able, less tired, and felt a better and more regular intestinal activity. Chlorella immediately had a relaxing effect on us (This is what surprised us the most).

We felt more relaxed and had a clearer mind. It’s like we ate serotonin pills since we were so happy and connected. We heard about Chlorella around us but nobody could convince us – the alga seemed “too” good to be true, so we were suspicious. Now we understand why!

It is not an easy task to point out all the benefits of this alga without raising doubts. On the other hand, we had a little bit of trouble getting to sleep since we were less tired, but not even tired when waking up! We hope that this sleeping issue is temporary since we like to sleep…

We never took complimentary nutrients in the past and thought that our body could just naturally create some. We really saw the difference before and after, despite the fact that we are both in very good shapes!

Now we are so convinced that we even gave some to our children (20 & 28). So don’t hesitate and do not wait to reach our ages to feel the positive effects of this great alga!

Fabienne & Christian

Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Herpes, Sores

Chlorella’s ability to treat my labial herpes!

I want to spread the word about Chlorella’s ability to treat my labial herpes!

I was suffering from labial herpes since more than 20 years and the only treatment I used was Zovirax, which was relieving me a bit from the pain, but the sore was already installed. I needed to wait at least 10 days to see it disappear. After a 3 months cure of Chlorella I felt the first positive effects. Today, I am confirming these positive results of Chlorella on my herpes.

Chlorella really benefited my health and quality of life.


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Herpes, Sores

Chlorella has magical virtues

To me, Chlorella has magical virtues because it cured me from an herpes problem that was polluting my life.

I would have given a fortune to find a solution to my problem! A labial herpes that handicapped my life for years… I had a sore on my inferior lip at least once a month every time I felt weak,  right at the first sun lights!

My job requires me to work with a lot of people and every time I had herpes I knew I was going to suffer from esthetic horror, pain and discomfort…

A regular intake of Chlorella cured me from a problem that could not find a medical solution… The virus is still present but weakened, my immune system is strengthened, or both at the same time, which brings the herpes symptoms to total absenteeism.

This is why Chlorella became for me the little magical alga!


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Herpes, Sores
  • Well being

Chlorella gave me back some youth and cured my herpes problem

I want to share my experience with Chlorella that I have been taking since 3 years now. I am 80 years old; I got back some physical strength that I was progressively losing since several years. I have to say that I started to feel the positive effects of my chlorella’s consumption since the first summer I started taking it – I could hike and walk for a long time in the mountains I love. I had to stop hiking for a while because my hip made me suffer. I only take Chlorella and this is most likely why arthritis stopped keeping me from hiking.

My intestinal transit is much better and regular. I also noticed that my herpes which used to show up once or twice a month became only a bad memory – which is very much appreciated.

I am so happy and satisfied I discovered Chlorella that I recommend it to all my friends!


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Animals and Pets

My dog Joe Joe had the cancer diagnosed

The vet gave him a week to live but he is still with us!

It is true — Joe (Int / Lux CH Gaterin Aye Aye Joe) was given one week to live if he was lucky. He has a huge tumor in his spleen and was very anemic. So I ordered my first order with  Chlorella Echlorial as a trial and within 3 days of giving this product joe was much more bright in his eyes and more willing to walk or trot. Now after some weeks he is much more alive and goes for his walk with a bounce in his step. His eyes are bright and a shine to his coat. It will not cure his cancer but it is giving him a far better quality to the end of his life how ever long that will be . But after diagnosis of one week to live from July 6 we are now on day 23 and alive!

I am also giving this to my other dog of 13 years old also has cancer .

I have also recommended to a friend of mine Nathalie whose scottie also has cancer and is at a low ebb so I hope she will try this product.


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Animals and Pets

Chlorella is also good for pets!

I guess our story is somewhat different. We started using Chlorella ourselves because of the visible and medical improvement in health of our 12 year old Old English Sheepdog.

Gatsby became ill in February of 2010. To be honest, something that was no surprise to us, considering his age. He became very anaemic with persistent vomiting. After a scan we found that he had “spots” on his spleen. He had cancer. Due to his age we were advised against an operation. Our only option was to use high doses of cortisone medication.

His reaction to the cortisone was unbearable. He became very ill constantly vomiting, in terrible pain and lost most of his hair. After two weeks and against the vet’s recommendation we took him off the medication and my partner and I made the heart-breaking decision to have him euthanized. My Mother, who is a Nutritionist became involved and suggested that we put Gatsby on Chlorella as a trial. She has been using the product as a supplement for years and swears by its properties. With nothing to lose we started Gatsby on 12 tablets per day. By the end of the third week we noticed positive change. More energy, less vomiting and his gums were beginning to “pink up” a sign that the anaemia was no longer.

I was very sceptical that this was due to Chlorella, but a year on and Gatsby is alive and well! The vet confirmed that his spleen is healthy with no cancer spots. He is very active for his age. His hair is thick and full.

So now the whole family takes Chlorella including the cat and our other dog!!


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Fatigue
  • Joints
  • Well being

Much more energy and stress reduction

At the beginning of 2014, a pain in my right hip, wakes me up at night, in September of the same year not being able to bear it anymore, I change my mattress which was twenty years old, identical pain, not being able to bear it anymore I remember the chlorella used in 2010 for a dental extraction “but used only 15 days” and especially the kindness, the listening and the advices of Muriel Cathaud director, that I recontact being my lifesaver (I no longer believe in traditional medicine, since 1986, it is thanks to alternative medicine that I got out of a nervous breakdown that lasted 15 years, I forgot to tell you, I am 76 years old).

On March 23, 2015 I use Chlorella again, and there!…surprise! mid-April 2015 no more pain at night, finished, gone, we are at the beginning of July, it’s wonderful, thank you Muriel, thank you to all the people who make this little green algae.

Oh, that’s not all … I decide to play the game for 3 months for the regrowth of my hair because the scalp was thinning, YES, it works, my hairdresser is amazed at the result, and well I can assure you that it is not 3 months but ONE year that I will take Chlorella.


– much more toned, less tired

– less stressed

– less aggressive and more patient

– much cooler

– and the icing on the cake, I’ve regained a taste for life.

Ah an oversight, my sister leaving a 15 day stay with us, told me that my head was no longer shaking, and about her, Annie who has a deforming rheumatoid arthritis had no inflammation during her visit to the house, yes you got it, she has been consuming Chlorella for 2 months. It works, in May 2015 we left 5 days 780 kilometers, I ensured the driving without fatigue isn’t it wonderful!……

An advice if you allow it, it is to note the changes which take place, because when we are well we forget easily the worries of health which we had BEFORE and it is very well.

Thank you very much Muriel


Thérèse, 7 July 2015
  • Herpes, Sores

Herpes conquered

For many years I had suffered from herpes, but for nearly 3 years, it had become recurrent: about once a month, a pimple would break out on my upper lip, always in the same place, and lasting a good ten days, which left me little respite between two attacks. I tried everything, even a homeopathic treatment and natural products to stimulate my immune system, but nothing helped. After searching on the internet, I came across the Echlorial website.

After having taken, according to Muriel’s advice, 30 tablets for three months, I went down to 10, and for 5 months now, I have not had any outbreak of herpes, even when I was exposed to the sun, which was a disaster every time. I am alive again! Thank you Muriel


Marie, 7 July 2015
  • Heavy metals
  • Joints

Significant heavy metal poisoning

We started consuming Chlorella Echlorial in early 2007, but we don’t know if our testimonies can be useful to you given their complexity!

In fact, I have polyarthritis, allopathic medicine had nothing to offer me but morphine! A friend in the same case had to regularly enter a clinic for detoxification, so I refused and opted for the alternative route.

After years of research andscamming, a yoga teacher advised me to change my diet and miraculously, the pain became more bearable. Then an honest alternative doctor diagnosed heavy metal intoxication as well as for my husband (he is lucky enough to have almost no symptoms).

So we started removing toxic amalgams and taking chlorella EChlorial. I took 320 chlorella tablets per day, but the pain was again atrocious since the removal despite the perfect protocol, the strict Seignalet diet (100% fruits, raw and organic vegetables, no animal products, not even honey, no starch, that is to say no potatoes, no legumes, no dairy products, no gluten, only one portion of organic quinoa per day) and the chlorella

The intoxication was too strong for the chlorella and the diet to be sufficient…

I was very lucky to receive excellent information from Professor Klinghardt and to follow the “American” NDF and Liver-Life protocol, to progress step by step, drop by drop … and so did my husband. In my case, I will have to follow this detox for life and the diet, but the pain is bearable. We have since come back to Echlorial chlorella because it is an incomparable help as a super food, its chlorophyll is most precious, … etc. Now my husband takes 40 tablets a day and I take 80 a day.


Anonymous, 7 July 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Menopause
  • Skin
  • Well being

Chlorella: a revelation

My encounter with Chlorella started timidly a year ago with other brands…alternatively with spirulina. At that time, after a drop in form, energy and some manifestations of early hormonal changes…(the ugly pre-menopause!), I plunged back into the questions of global health, metabolism, syndromes of modernity, (endocrine disruptors, heavy metals and other delights)…to arrive at the subjects of detox, nutritional deficiencies, enzymes, immune system…and I naturally arrived at Echlorial…

A well documented, serious and demanding site…at my first order, I started with 5 or 6 tablets/day with some intestinal discomforts…the detox was doing its work…I persevered then I increased progressively…the sensation of a great inner cleansing, blood parameters that improved, a skin that was revived, a renewal of energy and form followed…There are encounters that are revelations…THANKS


Jan Veronique, 27 June 2015
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.