A boost of energy and a reduction of intestinal pain. Being a basic skeptic, it didn’t take long for me to be convinced :) And why take drugs when a natural solution can help… Thank you!
- Fatigue
- Intestines
- Joints
A boost of energy and a reduction of intestinal pain. Being a basic skeptic, it didn’t take long for me to be convinced :) And why take drugs when a natural solution can help… Thank you!
According to my personal and professional experience, chlorella grown in glass tubes is far superior to other production methods in terms of efficiency. I kinesiologically test the different existing remedies against samples of heavy metals or other toxins. Sometimes clients bring me other chlorellas to evaluate, and each time it is the chlorella raised in glass tubes that comes out the winner! On the other hand, the necessary dosage can vary greatly from one person to another, regardless of the severity of the health problems.
I started taking ECHLORIAL chlorella a month ago and my digestion is much better. I take 10 tablets in the morning with my herbal tea and it energizes me for the day. I can see in my stool that there is still a little chlorophyll in it, which indicates that I have enough, which helps the microbiota to function properly.
I also notice that I have little pimples on my thighs, which indicate that I am cleansing. My body has enough energy for a good metabolism and at the same time an eviction of toxins. I had already taken chlorella and spirulina, so I started again without taking low doses the first days.
I am very sensitive to micro algae, being a vegetarian, and I feel great when I take them.
I am happy to know that ECHLORIAL chlorella is cultivated in glass tubes, protected from any pollution, knowing that micro algae capture heavy metals. They might as well capture them in our body to eliminate them, rather than capturing them before we consume them and thus bringing them to us. I am therefore perfectly satisfied.
I wanted to thank you again despite the delay (I don’t use the internet much), I received the chlorella just in time thanks to you, and it seems to me that this batch is particularly excellent. I will order again.
I never stop recommending your chlorella to people around me. Nothing comparable with the other tested brands. I hope that this quality will continue.
And thank you to your team for your human qualities and your investment.
Just a big thank you for this chlorella…
I had psoriasis for 42 years, tried all possible treatments, I take chlorella for a few months and do Bio-resonance, I was able to go to the sea this summer, 98% of the psoriasis is cured.
I saw the improvement after a month, it’s just like living again.
Thank you for all your good advice.
Thank you for all your good advice,
Super quality supplements, fast service. Thank you.
Everything is perfect with you, I thank you, suffering from Lyme disease stage 3, your chlorella does me good, as well as on mercury and other metals, but also concerning vitamin B12 as well as all the other vitamins and minerals that it contains against the deleterious effects of the MDL…
Thanks again and respectful greeting,
Before I get started, I want to make it clear that I am not pro-organic, pro-vegan, pro-food supplement, etc. I don’t really eat healthy, but whatever…
Here is my personal feedback on chlorella:
A friend had told me several times about Chlorella a few months ago. Not being a fan of drugs and other food supplements, it didn’t really “echo” in my ears. No one else in my circle knew about it either… Later on, during a professional trip, I talked with several people who were also taking it, and they explained me more precisely what these green algae were, their virtues, their history, the legend of Japan, blablabla. When I came back I ordered a box, not that I was convinced but I don’t like to die stupid.
It took me 3 months to decide to take it! I remember the smell when I opened the jar of pills for the first time… It didn’t make me want to take it… and the capsules were a bit big for my taste. Anyway, once I got past this psychological stage, it’s good :)
Before starting the consumption, I followed my friend’s recommendations, namely listening to your body the week before you start taking it. Concretely, this consists in identifying the moments of your day: tiredness, loss of concentration, not wanting to move, etc.
D-Day. I start soft: 5 tablets.
From the first day I noticed a kind of “boost” (like drinking a redbull but without the fatigue after 7 hours). However I was unable to know if this was due (or not) to Chlorella. Being skeptical by nature, I put it on the fact that I had drunk 5 coffees that day.
I continued the following days (5 the first 15 days, then 6 since), and there, pleasant surprise: I thought that it would not make any difference, it was the opposite. In short: a better muscle tone (almost never tired), no more concentration problems (even though I work all day in front of the screens), no more tiredness. I also sleep much better.
For me Chlorella is effective and I cannot deny its beneficial effects. The best advice I can give you is to talk about it with someone who uses it to have a better idea.
P.S.: Personally I advise you to take your tablets with orange juice, it is much more pleasant than with water or coffee.
I had already used your chlorella 2 years ago for a candida albican and I had an incredible result.
At that time I was living in Martinique, now I am in France permanently but I have huge pain concerns in my right breast. After consultation the doctor did not find any lump but the pain persisted and also spread to the arm and hand.
I would like to ask you if I can do a treatment with chlorella for this problem knowing that I take vitamin B, zinc and iron because I also have a bone decalcification on the right side (not on the side where I have the pain). If I can make a cure how should I take chlorella and in what quantity and if in powder or in tablets.
Thank you,
I would have given a fortune to find a solution to my problem! A herpes lablial has handicapped my life for years… I had a “fever blister” on my lower lip at least once a month at the slightest weakness, as soon as the first rays of sunshine came out!
My job brings me into permanent contact with the public and when a herpes pimple appeared I knew I was in for at least 10 days of aesthetic horror, pain and discomfort ….
Taking Chlorella on a regular basis solved my problem, which has not yet found a medical solution. The virus is still present but it is weakened, or my natural defenses are strengthened, or both at the same time, which silences the expression of the symptoms of herpes.
Life is beautiful…and everything became easy again with and thanks to Chlorella.
In June 2015 I was blocked, a back with a disabling sciatica, a 1st infiltration that had not worked and a 2nd to consider, but my energeticist asked me to give it up and introduced me to Chlorella.
Today and after more than 3 months of daily intake, I no longer know what pain is and my osteoarthritis is gone.
I hope never to stop this rejuvenating cure which allows me, at almost 60 years old, to find energy, vitality, liveliness of mind, happiness and always good mood.
To be shared and consumed without moderation.
For several years I have been suffering from important bloating and stomach aches especially after meals sometimes obliging me to change clothes to feel more comfortable.
After one month of treatment with 33 tablets of chlorella per day, this problem has totally disappeared. I feel a comfort at the intestinal level unknown until then. As if my belly did not exist anymore!
I started the treatment with 1gr but I was quickly obliged to increase it because the small doses caused constipation.
Stopping the treatment after 2 months caused the symptoms to return. I am now taking it again and will continue to take it daily.
I have been taking chlorella for 1 month, 21 tablets in the morning on an empty stomach. Before that I was taking for 15 years a medicine for heartburn twice a week (I took Maalox, then OGAST 15 mg). Since one week it doesn’t burn me at all, I tried to eat a spicy dish when I usually take a pill behind it, but this time I don’t need it, this seaweed is overpowering…
I just wanted to tell you how beneficial chlorella is for my cat Cookie who just turned 17! He takes 4 tablets a day and since then he has found better motor skills, his circulation at all levels is improved and even his mood is more stable! He has even lost weight because his appetite has been regulated. Thank you to your site and to your Naturopath who had testified there and whom I contacted.