Hello, I am a Naturopath in Reunion Island and I have referred several patients to you, including my sister-in-law. I am currently in France where I do consultations and recommend your products with which I have excellent results.
Hello, I am a Naturopath in Reunion Island and I have referred several patients to you, including my sister-in-law. I am currently in France where I do consultations and recommend your products with which I have excellent results.
After a heavy treatment against cancer, now finished, and during which I took daily chlorella, I saw my hair grow back thicker than before, and my nails, which had a tendency to split for a very long time, grow very strong and beautiful.
My skin is also more beautiful!
From now on I continue to take chlorella on a daily basis!
I also make my husband take some, and I even give 6 tablets in two times to my dog, and we are all three doing magnificently well!
Testimony originally published on the article “Chlorella and detox: how it works”.
Throughout my chemotherapy treatment I suffered from mucositis (canker sores) in my mouth. My mouth was so painful that I even gave up eating.
I tested chlorella and I could tell the difference! day and night!
I really recommend it because it helps a lot to pass these tests with less pain. I could also verify a lesser state of fatigue.
I didn’t dare talk about it to my doctor :( I’m sure he wouldn’t have agreed because in general doctors don’t know about it, and that’s a pity !
Since my last operation I have undergone chemotherapy, breast surgery and radiotherapy. During this period I took a higher dose of your Chlorella. My cancer is now under control and I am considered cured!
I don’t know if the Chlorella has anything to do with it, but I have noticed an extraordinary improvement in the condition of my nails, which were crumbly and thin, and which are now hard, solid and I can wear them long. The same goes for my hair, which is growing back nicely, but thicker than before! I will continue to take it for life, because I am convinced of its benefits!
Sincerely yours,
After a cure of your chlorella for at least 6 months last year which helped me to deacidify my organism, I started to take it again at the beginning of May because I felt small urinary burns appearing again.
Thanks to this new treatment the problem was quickly solved but it has caused me for a good week important flatulences after meals. I am currently taking 10 tablets a day. What do you advise me to do?
I thank you for your help and send you my best messages.
I took Chlorella for years, at the time I didn’t know about eCHLORIAL which may not have existed, and I was/am very, very demanding on the quality – as for all the products I buy because I know that Nature hates anything chemical! An example jumped out at me one day: all the people who had been taking chemical pharmaceutical products for years complained that Quinton (René Quinton’s seawater) did not work on them, whereas for people like me, during “percutaneous hydrotomy” sessions for a rather nasty sciatica, we had results as early as the 3rd session! This is simply because we were not “stuffed with pharmaceutical chemistry! To be able to act, a product even 100% natural, if it is confronted with chemical poisons, it must first fight to eliminate them before being able to act (which can sometimes last a long time!) Moreover, it can sometimes result in inconveniences of all kinds, due to this fight that the body must lead! As for the most harmful heavy metals, Chlorella can work miracles; however, in recent years, for reasons I cannot mention here, more and more people ingest it every day without knowing it, even if they are very careful, and more and more children are victims! It would be useful to take some without stopping. In another case…when will people understand that the whole range of so-called chemical “medicines” (some of which are petrochemicals – which they will never be told…) are ALL poisons for animal-human or animal organisms!??? The side effects (some of which are VERY serious) are no longer calculated! These “drugs” bring in billions! We live in a world ruled by money, very big interests, and it is not about to stop!
Even the meat is not clean anymore! For years, I don’t consume any more meat and I’m always looking for good food, as much organic as possible, but even with the difficulties to find it, I won’t give up! Also, the Chlorella that I used to take did me a lot of good! I stopped months ago for budgetary reasons as I only have a very small pension, but I intend to start again as soon as possible, as much for my animals as for myself and it will be eCHLORIAL! So much for the price! Do as I do: I make my own cosmetics, cleaning products, laundry etc…and what a saving in addition to NO pollutants!!! For the rest… A headache? (rare – once in ten years) and it is the essential oil of lavender that makes it go away in 3 to 5 minutes! An insect bite? I go for Tea tree essential oil, sometimes with a drop of lavender essential oil, pure, and no more reaction to the bite! Of course, one should not do anything with these oils. It is necessary to know them WELL and to know yourself as well. But EVERYTHING can be learned by those who really want to!
Come back to Nature, it is the only wise decision to take IF you want to stay healthy. INFORM YOURSELF, learn, have a scientific mind, and learn to choose serious companies and do not buy just anywhere under the pretext of “too expensive or not”; give priority to your health rather than a night out in a club or a little folly that will not bring you anything in terms of health, put some money aside from time to time and you will be able to buy clean, natural and TRUE! GET INFORMED! How many people have ingredients in their kitchen cupboards that they don’t even know about, nettles (beneficial) and plantain in their gardens that they don’t even know about? Start with “the simple ones”, there is information on the net: Take advantage of it before the “elites” deprive us of it!!! If you knew the enormous range that Nature can offer us, you would fall off your chair! I can’t wait to buy the Chlorella from eCHLORIAL and maybe some spirulina too!
At 72 years old, I have more resistance and health than many people in their fifties and even much younger people! Despite the occasional minor setback, I am doing better than many people! In more than 20 years, I have only had one small cold that I got rid of in 48 hours, not for nothing. Last winter, I kissed a person with the flu. Did I catch his flu? NO! Stop assaulting your immune system with everything that fattens the multinationals that are killing you! And choose the SERIOUS companies that REALLY work for your well-being! These people will always give you useful advice. And most of the time, they work with serious scientists who are passionate about their work and will never do anything that is against life! Have at least one blood test per year, to know if everything is going well before you start, if you are worried for any reason, this will help Muriel Cathaud, or another qualified person concerning Chlorella, to advise you. And avoid as much as possible big stresses, especially permanent stresses, we know today that they are vectors of many health problems, some of which can be serious. Serious studies have been done on this.
Good health to all.
Testimonial originally published on : 6 lies about chlorella
I have my little York who is 11 years old and I picked up abroad. Since December 2017 in very poor health and physically he could not walk because he was obese 4.495 kg.
He had to have a liver biopsy. I started giving him Chlorella a week before his anesthesia.
The results of his biopsy were not very good since he had hepatitis.
I decided to continue the Chlorella, he recovered very well from his anaesthesia, I find him physically in great shape. Today he weighs 3,550 kg, he is happy and has a good life
I will not fail to give him news about the evolution of his illness and the benefits that Chlorella will have on him.
I knew this green alga for a while, being diagnosed with heterozygous Beta thalassemia, so not severe, but with an insufficient hemoglobin level all the same… I have tested other brands and to this day I am still not convinced of the difference, even if I actually prefer your chlorella – in tablets, because I hate swallowing capsules and even more when I think of the components that the capsules are made of. At first I was hesitating for the powder but I am afraid that the taste is unpleasant, so the tablets suit me 100%. And so my observation is that I feel less tired, or at least I can lead my life and my work during the day like everyone else, well almost. On the other hand, as soon as I forget to take the chlorella I feel it immediately, dizziness and weakness. My question is if you can take chlorella without interruption, all year long, 12 months out of 12? for years? is there a break to be taken at a given time to avoid an overload of chlorella or… can you continue without any risk or harmful effect at a given time? I also noticed the appearance of small “micro pimples” on my neck and décolleté while taking the chlorella. Is this normal? They are micro pimples invisible to the eye but noticeable to the touch… so instead of having a fine skin I now have a “rough” skin on the neckline area and it persists (almost 2 months already-coincides with the change of chlorella-the beginning of Echlorial)
Thank you in advance for your answers.
I have been taking Chlorella for 4 years now, I do cures 2x a year following hemorrhoidal problems and anal fissures. I have been treated by ointments, medicines such as laxative and others and no improvement. I searched via internet what I could do to get out of it (out of question to make me operate), I spent whole evenings behind my computer to find a solution not to suffer any more and one day I fell on a site which spoke about the chlorella. I read everything that was said about this algae, then I decided to buy it to try it and oh miracle it worked. Since then I don’t separate myself from my chlorella, I stop as soon as I finish the jar in order to take a break but now I think I’ll do it all year long because each time I stop, my little worries come back and I’ll have 3-4 days before it becomes normal again. On the other hand, with chlorella, we tan very easily in summer, which is an advantage. Chlorella is a very good product. I am delighted
My naturopath recommended it to me for recurrent digestive problems, after one month, no improvement, I know it’s short but it’s not that which appealed to me.
Indeed, at the beginning of the intake, I felt vitality, perseverance, encouragement in my daily tasks and what struck me the most was my cerebral organization, my ideas in order and a lot of reactivity, also in my expression. After a month, I felt more and more tired and woke up at night, so I had dark circles and I am not used to it. My body went on autopilot and it was like a part that escaped me. One morning, I woke up with a real no desire to go and that’s when I stopped everything.
In conclusion, I think that this product is powerful and that it brings to light our weak points, so it requires a lot of listening and attention.
I have been suffering for 20 years from strange pains such as contractures and blockages of the back, sciatica, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, insomnia, etc…
These problems appeared around 1997 – 1998 following several extractions and dental amalgams and crowns, but also following a massive vaccination (more than 13 injections of vaccines between 1995 and 1997, notably against Hepatitis B).
Over the years and suffering, I consulted dozens of specialists (rheumatologists, osteopaths, neurosurgeons, etc…) but nobody really found the causes of my pain… (except for a small herniated disc, quite common)
No treatment really had any effect, I was often told that it was psychosomatic problems or simply back problems… and to send me to rehab to do hundreds of hours of physical therapy, without much result.
Between 2009 and 2014, I managed to partially cope in an empirical way by practicing 30 minutes of stretching per day, and up to 10 hours of weight training / cardio per week (I lost 15 kg of fat and gained 8 kg of muscle)
It became livable, but the relief was only partial, with some pain returning regularly.
In 2015, following the integration of a very electromagnetically polluted professional environment (5 Wifi terminals next to me, 8 telephone antennas at 20 meters,…), my symptoms suddenly reappeared, with after a few months, complete blockage of the upper back, strong pain and almost no way to drive, nor to work…
In 2016, at the CHRU, a great professor pronounced for the first time the term Fibromyalgia….
… This was followed by 1 year of various treatments that I had never tried before: 4 antidepressant treatments, antiepileptics, various psychotropic drugs, Hypnosis, etc. etc… all this WITHOUT any result!
To each “Great” specialist or head of department of hospital (I made 3 hospitals!) … The same conclusion: “… Atypical Fibromyalgia, Sir”
… and the causes please? …. “…Idiopathic causes, Sir! “( cf: in the dictionary: a disease or symptom whose cause could not be attributed)
In the summer of 2017, my dentist, finally helped me understand that my symptoms were due to electrosensitivity! (I thought it was an urban legend! ). He also admitted to me, and I quote: “We (dentists) have made many mistakes”.
There, everything became clear!… I had just understood why my sciatica and back pain appeared in certain environments: supermarkets, near Wifi terminals, etc…
In his impetus, my dentist undertook to extract, in a few days, the last 4 dental amalgams which remained in my mouth (I had had 8 or 9 in all in my life, and for some for 30 years)
…And there, it was the catastrophe, my symptoms literally exposed:
– My tinnitus, which for 20 years had been a simple one-sided whistling sound, became a real plane taking off on both sides,
– Very violent headaches, after 15 minutes of computer or phone use, Ditto in wifi environment,
– Violent discharges in my left leg, of crural type, during the starting of certain electric apparatus (hair drier, kettle…)
– Nausea, dizziness, mental confusion, etc… etc…
– Impossible to enter a supermarket, nor to drive more than 20 minutes
The only solution to alleviate a little my evils: to go to wander whole days in the forest, in the cold, far from the antennas relay and other wifi.
For me, and in spite of my foggy mind, it had become certain that I was reacting to the mercury that had been released and that I had inhaled during the grinding of my dental amalgams.
It is now obvious that my Electro-Hypersensitivity and Fibromyalgia were a reaction to the mercury ions that had accumulated in my body tissues over the years, a slow poisoning!
During the 2 months following the removal of the amalgams I remained in this state, without any notable improvement….
Until I discovered Dr. Klinghardt’s detoxification protocol and the Chlorella Echlorial.
And that was the beginning of a small miracle!
2 days after I started taking the Chlorella, I felt a tiny change… hope, finally!
I took Echlorial powder massively: 4 to 5 times a day… about 12 to 15 grams a day.
Each day, I felt a slight improvement: my tinnitus which prevented me from sleeping, became more bearable, the violent discharges disappeared…
To specify that I also undertook, 2 weeks after the Chlorella, the massive intake of Glutathione, and of fermented papaya and Sodium R-Lipoate (antioxidants)
and to protect myself as much as possible: Sleep in a Faraday cage, without forgetting to spend a maximum of time in the forest,
As I write these lines, I am exactly 4 weeks into taking Chorella, and I am finishing my first 350 gr. box of powder…
But the results are there : in 1 month of Chlorella, my sufferings have decreased by 30 to 40 % (whereas during the first 2 months of Chlorella, I had a lot of pain).
(whereas during the first 2 months since the amalgam extraction, I didn’t see much improvement)
Twice I tried to go to phase 2 of the treatment, and took Bear’s garlic, but there … my symptoms worsened … I had to go back, it was too early apparently. I still have hope, but I know that it will be long.
With this testimony, I really wanted to thank Muriel Cathaud, manager of Echlorial, for her kindness, her welcome, her advice, and especially for producing this miraculous Chlorella!
Good evening Ms. Cathaud and first of all I wish you a great 2018.
Biochemist by training and Very wise on the “healthy eating”. I acquired your book that I was able to discover, what a work! A fascinating field that the study of this algae that would have fascinated me certainly. Your book is a relevant complement to my readings on healthy eating and its beneficial effects on our body and therefore on the treatment of many pathologies.
Thank you,
Receive my sincere greetings
My brother has advised me for a long time to take Echlorial chlorella but for financial reasons, I had preferred other reputable brands. When I went to his house recently, I had forgotten my chlorella and so I took some for him… Wow! The difference is significant in terms of action and efficiency. I then decided to buy some from Echlorial because I realized that the ones I was taking were almost inactive.
Fervent user of chlorella – bought on this site – for many years, following a very fragile ground by serious problems with heavy metals – chlorella which greatly improved my daily life and decreased my problems of intolerances in any kind thanks to the klinghardt protocol – I discovered this week a new use.
Being very sensitive to chemical and even natural components (salicylic acid…) in cosmetic products, I tested chlorella in powder form as a deodorant and even as a cleanser under the shower: the result is that my skin is soft and this deodorant is effective on me: it leaves my skin dry and clean. Obviously the result will also depend on the diet and the level of toxins in the body at the origin of the odor prob.
In short, I am very happy with this discovery that I wanted to share with you.
Thank you for the seriousness of your site and your quality products.
Paris area
I woke up this morning, and for the 1st time in over a year, without those horrible pains in my chest and abdomen! Oh sure, still tender shoulders, hands and legs but what made me cry in the morning, was not there. I was so surprised that I moved in all directions, just to “wake them up” and nothing… I want to believe that it’s the chlorella because I haven’t changed anything in my habits since 5 days. Is it possible? In any case this morning, it’s 8 tablets! It’s strange, after all, this plant that grows in water and works miracles! To hell with my allopathic medicine!
Thank you so much.