
  • Intestines
  • Joints

The effects of chlorella on my pain

The effects of chlorella on my pains: I had not been so aware of it!

I had bought the family pot which is the economic solution. I stopped because I forgot to buy more. The joint pain in my hands and shoulders came back!

I started again and everything went back to normal. Plus, chlorella fixes my lazy bowel issues 😊

Maria, 21 September 2022
  • Well being

Delighted with the serenity it brings me

I have been using your chlorella for several months now, alternating with spirulina, and I am delighted with the serenity it brings me. I love to read the reviews of other customers too because I find it encouraging and reassuring. I would like to know how to take plant buds (blackcurrant) in the morning. I take my chlorella in 3 doses in the morning and at noon before meals and in the afternoon. I have to take the blackcurrant in the morning, how do you advise me to take it in order to preserve its effects?
Another subject still related to chlorella: is chlorella a vermifuge?

Thank you very much,

Carole, 6 July 2022
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Immunity

Very satisfied

I bought last year chlorella in powder, packaged 350 grams. I was very satisfied with it, I also gave it to my daughter today she is 7 years old but can we give it to children? My goal is the prevention of gastroenteritis because we have to go on a trip. And I would like to know if you offer payment facilities.

I would like to know if you offer payment facilities,

Laurene, 27 April 2022
  • Spirulina T.

Very satisfied customer for quite some time

I am writing in English, hopefully this will not represent an issue in understanding. You are free to reply in French.
I have been your very satisfied customer for quite some time now. I really like your spirulina products. The reason I chose your brand of spirulina is because it is European-grown which makes me more assured in the safety aspects of spirulina.
Anyhow, the reason I am writing to you is I would like to know more specifics about the mineral content of your spirulina brand. (iron content for instance) I would appreciate if you could provide me with a certificate of analysis for this product. Hopefully that would be OK with you.

Kind regards,

Mirko, 26 April 2022
  • Professionals' opinion

Chlorella and renal failure

Hello, thank you for your quick answer. Your Chlorella fixed a renal insufficiency that was setting in a few years ago, since then I advise it to many of my clients (I am a naturopath).


Emilie, 15 April 2022
  • Animals and Pets

My little dog has left us (lymphoma)

My little dog passed away tonight from lymphoma. I really wanted to thank you for all your precious advice during this difficult time for him and for me. I wanted to do everything for my dog and thanks to your site, I discovered Chlorella which, I am sure, has given him a great support for the last 10 months. Thank you again, I wish you a good continuation.


Nadine, 7 April 2022
  • Fatigue
  • Intestines

More effective than magnesium chlorophyll

I tried concentrated magnesian chlorophyll and found myself constipated, whereas chlorella has a harmonizing effect.
The same goes for the energy level, after 2 weeks of chlorella I wake up in great shape and don’t need to eat lunch anymore! Can you confirm this amazing effect? Kind regards

Sébastien, 2 March 2022
  • Animals and Pets
  • Fatigue

Important action on health and longevity


I have just finished your book and as promised I am coming back to you. I really appreciated this book, very complete and precise. I think that chlorella and spirulina have an important action on health and longevity.

Like a good quality candle that lights up to the end. This is not often the case with humans in the aging phase (my wife is a nurse in an Ehpad!!!) In the latest medical information, two orientations, the great replacement: organs, joints etc. and a regeneration medicine. This last one is unfortunately a minority!

In my research work on motor skills in the ageing phase, I notice that many high level sportsmen have big physical problems after 35 years old! During the training courses that I lead, it is complicated to make people understand that martial arts practice must be holistic and not simply a fighting method.

So I test chlorella and to a lesser extent spirulina. The first findings suggest that the latter are a precious help on the linking elements in the practice of the H.Hida method and the enteric nervous system.

I will come back to you at the end of the medical and sports tests. I have two dogs, 11 and 14 years old, after taking chlorella and spirulina in the morning, a clear transformation of their general condition, motor skills, vigor and general activity.

Jean Claude, 2 March 2022
  • Intestines

Chlorella is good for you

I recommend Chlorella which does me a lot of good, especially at the digestive level.
A pharmacist told me to stop taking it for 3 weeks on the pretext that it could draw too much from our reserves and cause fatigue, which I did and since then, my constipation problems have returned +++ .
I never stopped it anymore, at a rate of 6 tablets a day, I felt much better with chlorella.
Besides, question:
Is it true that if we take chlorella discontinuously, it risks drawing on our reserves?
Can we take it without taking a dose or if we take it at what rate?
Thank you,

Lyloue, 6 July 2021
  • Animals and Pets

Chlorella miracle tablet for my dog

I started using chlorella to give my 12 year old German Pointer a boost. He suffers from several pathologies such as heart murmur, probable cancer of the spleen, cushing’s disease, arthritis. He looked sad to see with his downcast look and his heavy gait. Since taking Chlorella he has regained his energy. He has regained a liveliness that makes him look good again. His eyes have become lively again. I absolutely recommend it.

Since then, seeing the results on my doggie, I ordered some for mom and myself. The effects are less spectacular… but we can certainly appreciate it in the long term.

Md, 5 July 2021
  • Spirulina T.

Your spirulina saved my sons life

Hello, your spirulina saved my sons life. I ran out of the powder and he needs it now more than ever. I found chlorella in powder but not spirulina. Why did you stop offering it? My son is Autistic and cannot swallow pills. Please see if you can help. Thank you and god bless.

Eva, 16 March 2021
  • Animals and Pets

Rika 6 years old bernese mountain dog

Rika is a bernese mountain dog adopted by SPA after our visit we are under the charm. She is diagnosed with liver disease, nodules on the liver and mud on the gall bladder. She does not want to feed herself anymore. We force her like a goose… We are obliged to do otherwise… she is under zentonil plus 400 and cortisone. I have just received chlorella which I have been giving her for 2 days. I hope very much that her condition will improve.

Allyzzee, 4 March 2021
  • Astaxanthin T.
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Intestines
  • Joints
  • Skin
  • Well being

Astaxanthin and chlorella: a shock duo

It is with pleasure that I would like to testify to the high quality of your products; indeed I have been taking chlorella for several years and the benefits on my health are amazing: intestinal comfort, fluid joints, elimination of heavy metals, anti stress etc… But the most is to associate it with astaxanthin that I have been taking for a year and the effects are effective from the first month: clear improvement of vision (clearer vision, less blurred), hydration of the skin strengthened (especially on dry skin), renewed energy felt in the morning (2 capsules to take in the morning).

I highly recommend chlrella and astaxanthin, great products for our health!

Be well …


Milo, 20 September 2020
  • Astaxanthin T.

Astaxanthin: after 2 months

I read a fascinating article about the benefits of Astaxanthin in a magazine distributed by my organic retailer. As a recurrent fibromyalgia sufferer with natural anxiety and panic attacks, I saw in astaxanthin the possibility of reinforcing my immune defenses and probably remedying my discomfort.

I understood that the time and duration of intake were important to measure the effects. The most difficult thing was to find a laboratory in which I could trust. Intuitively I went to Echlorial.

8 gr per day, 2 capsules at noon for 5 days: 2 hours later I felt sick as if I had drunk 2 or 3 coffees… I thought that the dose was too strong. I took 2 days only one capsule. Less discomfort but I was not well. I almost stopped. Then I started to take the 2 capsules at breakfast. The discomfort disappeared, just a feeling of hypoglycemia at the end of the morning. But isn’t it just a little hypoglycemia? I have been taking 2 capsules for 2 months. I have just recommended them. I hesitate to complete with chorella. I think I’ll continue like this for several months; just to make a statement about astaxanthin.


Lamartine , 6 August 2020
  • Animals and Pets
  • Spleen Cancer (Dog)

Bernese Mountain Dog cross

Hello everyone, like you I read the testimonies and I was left with a mouthful. Here is my story, my dog kid kept coughing this summer and like that I took him to the vet who told me it’s nothing just a flu. The treatment that the vet gave him cortisone treatment for a month, it does not heal so we took him to a good clinic and there the diagnosis malignant tumor metastases to the liver and spleen we are depressed.

By reading all your testimonies I ordered the chlorella that I started almost a week ago and still I notice that my Loulou has more peach that it does not suffer and especially a super appetite here is my story. I don’t know how long it will last but I want to say thank you because thanks to your testimonies I didn’t hesitate to order. My Loulou is 9 years old and I love him so much.


Thierry, 18 July 2020
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.