
  • Fatigue
  • Intestines
  • Well being

I feel much less tired

I knew the product following a translation of a book that I was given (my naturopath) and I said: I want some.
From the first month, I noticed a better tonus, I feel much less tired and when I am hungry outside of meals, I swallow 5 tablets of chlorella which automatically cuts my hunger and I feel better right away. My intestinal transit has become more regular even if I still have some problems. I have also lost 2 kg.
I continue to use chlorella in association with spirulina and I have just recommended it, I am not ready to stop!
Sincerely yours,


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Well being

Well being and more optimism

Very complete site compared to others and very warm e-mail contacts. Thanks again.
From the first treatment, two months, my daughter and I felt a sense of well-being and optimism that reinforced our positive ideas. I have ordered your product and will keep you informed.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Thank you

Thank you for the quality of your products. My prescriber is my sister


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Herpes, Sores

I don’t have fever blisters anymore

For all those who suffer from herpes problems, I recommend taking 15 chorella tablets a day. I felt the effects quickly (within a month). I don’t have any more “fever blisters” except on very rare occasions and they are insignificant. I must say that Chlorella has changed my life in this respect, I advise you to try it if you have these problems.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Well being

Improvement of my physical and moral form

For nearly 2 years, I have been taking chlorella regularly… What can I say except that I have noticed a significant improvement in my physical condition and in my morale…

Subject to small bouts of depression and not wanting to enter into the framework of a so-called classic “treatment”, I opted for the revaluation rather than for the management of my condition. And it works, so I take the liberty of recommending this product, which is full of amino acids and which is also naturally depurative. Health to all.

Sincerely yours,


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Intestines

Thank you and congratulations for the chlorella

Thank you and congratulations for the chlorella. It is the only product so far (and I have tried many) that reduces my digestive problems. I will recommend the site.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Your site is very rich

Your site is very rich, very complete in information, very understandable and inspires confidence.

Jean Pierre

Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Intestines
  • Menopause
  • Thyroid

Hypothyroidism and constipation

It is Chlorella that prevented me from all the symptoms of hypothyroidism

It is by the greatest of chance that I discovered that my thyroid was being destroyed. I had asked my doctor for a biological check-up to find out where I was in the evolution of menopause.

When I saw my test results, my doctor found it hard to believe that I had no clinical symptoms of my thyroid dysfunction. I am in great shape physically and mentally! We had all the tests redone!

However, the results were confirmed and I started taking Levotyrox, as a preventive measure, the doctor told me …. I wonder!

I am convinced that it is Chlorella that has protected me from the symptoms of hypothyroidism (tiredness, weight gain …) I take 15 tablets of chlorella in the morning and this for more than 6 years.

At the time, I had found in chlorella the means to solve my chronic constipation problems and to avoid temporary loss of energy.

I am very faithful to this small algae which keeps me in shape and this is not about to stop.

Catherine, 18 March 2015
  • Intestines

Chlorella regulates my intestine

Since I consume Chlorella I have solved my chronic constipation problems. No more diets, depurative herbal teas (not very efficient), cottage cheese, soggy prunes … it’s very good, I like it, but I prefer to eat it when I feel like it !

I’ve been taking chlorella every day for several years now, in the morning with a big glass of water, about a dozen tablets (a handful, because I don’t count the exact number anymore :). Besides the fact that chlorella regulates my intestine with the same efficiency, I feel more resistant to fatigue and microbes, I am almost never sick (one cold per year, at most).

I have tried to stop taking my chlorella for a few days when I travel, but each time it’s the same, my intestines are lazy again. As a result, I don’t feel well, heavy, congested.

With Chlorella, I feel better, I have the impression of being “cleaner” from the inside, it may seem strange but I cannot explain it otherwise!

I had been warned that I might not be able to do without taking Chlorella! I can say that it is true, but I am so happy to have found a solution to my problem that does not represent for me any constraint. I also know that taking advantage of all its other qualities … I am not ready to stop!


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Menopause

I’m re-visiting!

I am living again thanks to the “CHLORELLA”.


I absolutely want to confirm that the treatment with CHLORELLA is great!

I had a lot of hot flashes day and night, after the 24th day of taking chlorella ………… I am delighted ……. none!

I RE VIs ! Super the “CHLORELLA

Thank you for the people who told me about it!


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Menopause

The solution: Chlorella

I found a solution for my menopausal problems, it’s called Chlorella

I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep anymore! and it had been over 9 months! I couldn’t take it anymore!

A friend of mine had been talking to me about Chlorella for a long time but I was skeptical about its possibilities to help me with this problem of hot flashes due to menopause.

Two months ago, I let myself be tempted, it is true that I was not risking much! What a surprise, what happiness …. my hot flashes faded very quickly, sometimes I don’t have them at all for several weeks.

When my hot flashes come back intermittently, I double the doses and it ends up passing.

It only took about 20 days for the effects to start appearing.

I take 12 tablets a day before breakfast. When I stop for a few days, they invariably come back. Maybe it will stop one day but for now it is systematic.

I don’t know if I can say it too, but I have the impression that Chlorella also regulates my mood swings. I had a tendency, lately, to suddenly go from joy to memancholy in a totally unexplained way. Today, I really feel better in my body and in my head.

It is therefore with pleasure that I share my experience with chlorella with as many of you as possible so that you too can benefit from the advantages of chlorella.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Fatigue
  • Well being

I sleep better and I have regained my energy

When I started taking Chlorella again in early 2007, I clearly felt the beneficial effects of this algae. After a few days of taking it, I felt more awake, more alert, calmer, more composed and more balanced in my relationship with food. At the beginning I had noticed these pleasant effects but could not discern the cause. After reflecting on my recent behaviors, I deduced that the only notable change was the resumption of my daily “doses” of chlorella.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Fatigue
  • Healing
  • Well being

Chlorella is really good for me

Chlorella does me a world of good, it heals all my ailments, makes me look good…and makes me feel good…

About 2 months ago, three times when I came back from 16/18 km hikes, my ankles were covered with red patches as if the small vessels had burst because of the friction of the big shoes. The doctor diagnosed purpuras… I stuffed myself with chlorella, everything healed very quickly, everything disappeared, never to return… I felt like an old granny, but no, it didn’t come back.

5 years ago, my companion fell from a ladder while working, I have to say that putting a ladder in a staircase on a Friday the 13th, it’s risky!!!!!! He got a huge and horrible hematoma on his leg. We had to take him to the emergency room because he was in so much pain. The following days, we were amazed to see how quickly this hematoma healed and disappeared, my companion swallowed at least twenty chlorella tablets a day, even more…

He took a lot of chlorella, it made him less nervous, calmer, less anxious ….

I gave your contact information to my dentist, because after the installation of implants on two of my molars, he was very surprised to see how quickly the gum tissue grew back… Doctor […] in Rouen.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Joints
  • Thyroid

Chlorella and Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism

I have been suffering from Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism for 8 years, food intolerances,osteoarthritis and musculotendinous pain as well as sleep disorders.

At the end of May 2011, I started a detox cure for my heavy metal poisoning (Klinghartd protocol). With large doses of chlorella powder (about 18 g in 3 doses per day, associated with bear garlic and coriander in mother tincture). All this over a period of about 3 months, then the same thing but with 12 g in 2 intakes/day until today. In the first results obtained, I felt my physical form improving as well as my morale: the impression to find my joy of living.

After several months (about 6 months) I realized that I did not have my usual winter colds and illnesses: nothing, no flu, no gastro etc! Yet everyone around me was getting sick.

Since this spring, my muscular pains and contractures are 3 times less important and I forget to go to my physio and osteo sessions.

My osteoarthritis has been forgotten (I have been taking Chondrosulf since December) but I feel that my ground is much less inflammatory than before.

I have the impression that I am going back in time and I can see that I am in better shape than some of my colleagues of my age (I am almost 59).

I have not tested my intoxication to heavy metals since the beginning of this cure but I am sure that my organism works better and that makes me want to continue: because frankly, who would want to stop when finally there is no more pain and that one feels better in his body and his head?

This improvement of my physical condition encourages me to continue in this research and I have resumed a gymnastic activity in addition to my daily walk; I have also stopped my (very modest) consumption of wine and, for dietetic and environmental reasons, I am also thinking of reducing my consumption of meat.

This chlorella cure has become a daily gesture that I am not ready to stop…!


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Joints

A beneficial effect on my arthritis

Chlorella has had a beneficial effect on my arthritis

I am writing to tell you about my experience with your Chlorella that I have been taking for three years now. I am almost 77 years old and I have regained a certain physical shape that I was losing more and more. I must say that the first summer after I started taking Chlorella I was surprised to find that I was able to go for long walks in the mountains again. I had to give it up because my hip was killing me. I didn’t take anything else than chlorella and it’s probably thanks to it that my arthritis doesn’t prevent me from walking for a long time.

My intestinal transit is much better and regular. I also noticed that the herpes pimples that used to appear at least once or twice a month are now only rare memories and I really appreciate that.

I am so happy with this algae that I recommend it to my friends.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
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We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.