As a dentist, I find your product to be one of the most interesting food supplements given the degradation of the current diet.
- Professionals' opinion
- Well being
As a dentist, I find your product to be one of the most interesting food supplements given the degradation of the current diet.
I started taking Chlorella 1 month ago and I feel a definite improvement in tone and vitality…
I have been suffering from rheumatism for many years and all my movements are nothing but pain, each one of them costing me. I was surprised to feel that after only one month I started to feel better and especially to see my pain diminish.
Today I can say that I have much less pain in all my joints and I move better, I feel rejuvenated. I am really more alert and I am determined to stay that way. I decided to take my 3 tablets a day before meals.
I found only positive side effects to Chlorella!
As you told me, Chlorella instantly solved my chronic constipation problems.
Since 3 months that I take chlorella I feel better, moreover I have beautiful nails which do not flake anymore, which are hard, that I can varnish again. They stay well done for more than a week with the varnish whereas before it didn’t last more than 2 days. My skin is much better too.
I am really happy and my friends want to try it now!
So, see you soon and thank you again for your attention and your time.
I have been taking chlorella continuously for 2 years and I am not ready to stop. It is thanks to my daughter that I know Chlorella
I don’t know how to convince my eternal skeptics that your chlorella is a must in their diet, just like royal jelly and other natural products like essential oils and mother tinctures, because it is obvious that most diseases come from deficiencies as diverse as they are varied, which allow heavy metals and other toxins to spread and stabilize in the body…
I think that the improvement of my general condition (intoxicated because I inhaled mercury monoxide at the age of 13). Note that I have mainly neurological symptoms (speech disorders, no instincts, no dreams, inappropriate irritability, chronic insomnia, persistent tinnitus, morale often at zero…), and dermatological cysts, various infections, anthrax, various skin rashes. Some gastric problems such as abnormal secretion of bile and persistent pain in the gallbladder, cardiac disorders (tachycardia) and painful kidneys.
Chlorella added to the synergy of some natural and organic products constituting my cure has already reduced in such a short time and alone the kidney and bladder pains.
I have unpleasant sensations in the brain, the cerebellum and the liver, but I feel the poison reacting to the chlorella.
My urines are dark, sometimes green, or orange, my stools metallic color. At the first intake of chlorella, I found traces of pure metal in my stools the next day.
In short, I have no other choice than to subscribe to chlorella echlorial, aware of its chelating efficiency.
I will also highly recommend it to as many people as I can.
See you soon, respectfully,
Very professional: personalized order follow-up, fast shipping and impeccable product quality.
The only drawback: the price obviously… it’s more expensive than a chlorella grown in the open air and in a natural environment.
I started at the end of May 2011 a detox cure for my heavy metal poisoning (Klinghartd protocol). With important doses of chlorella in powder (about 18 g in 3 takes per day, associated with wild garlic and coriander in mother tincture). All this over a period of about 3 months, then the same thing but with 12 g in 2 intakes/day until today. In the first results obtained, I felt my physical form improving as well as my morale: the impression to find my joy of living. I have been suffering for 8 years from Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, food intolerances, osteoarthritis and musculotendinous pains as well as sleep disorders. After several months (about 6 months) I realized that I didn’t have my usual winter colds and illnesses: nothing, no flu, no gastro etc! Yet everyone around me was getting sick. Since this spring, my muscular pains and contractures are 3 times less important and I forget to go to my physio and osteo sessions. My osteoarthritis has been forgotten (I have been taking Chondrosulf since December) but I feel that my terrain is much less inflammatory than before. I have the impression that I am going back in time and I can see that I am in better shape than some of my colleagues of my age (I am almost 59).
I have not tested my intoxication to heavy metals since the beginning of this cure but I am sure that my organism works better and that makes me want to continue: because frankly, who would want to stop when finally there is no more pain and that one feels better in his body and his head?
This improvement of my physical state encourages me to continue in this research and I have resumed a gymnastic activity in addition to my daily walk; I have also stopped my (very modest) consumption of wine and, for dietetic and environmental reasons, I am also thinking of reducing my consumption of meat.
This chlorella cure has become a daily gesture that I am not ready to stop…!
Really, Echlorial is for me an extraordinary ally for my detoxification to “heavy metals” (Mercury and silver in particular for the most severe intoxication).
After only 3 months of treatment, I am beginning to recover my strength and can envisage resuming a little activity: the exhaustion of my organism, threatened by “alzheimer” in the short term, is gradually regenerating itself by following the protocol of Dr Klkinghardt.
Thank you INFINITELY to Echlorial :
Little by little I feel alive again, because these toxic metals were leading me terribly and made me consider my exit from this world in the short term.
Today, I am reviving little by little.
Thank you Mrs Cathaud for your good advice, my B12 level went up quickly with 10 tablets per day of chlorella for 2 months, I continue and am very satisfied
See you soon!
Congratulations for your site it is very well done. Since I take Chlorella I feel much better. Less fatigue, less headaches.
Anne Marie
I went to a conference on chlorella one day.
Then, I applied, during 2 years, cures between 3 and 9 grams per day. Results, I got rid of my urinary infections and cystitis repeatedly. My hairdresser told me that I had very “toned hair!”
I saw the doctor who had done the conference again, and in view of my good results he told me quite simply that I had resolved all my intestinal problems.
I’m starting a ‘late winter’ treatment again and I’m not ready to give up this little wonder!
Thank you very much.
To summarize the effects of taking chlorella for the past two months, the first three weeks were difficult: headaches, stiffening of the arms, acceleration of the transit, bloating etc. Then the headaches faded away. Then the headaches faded away. Again at the end of the second month the headaches returned. I have increased the intake of chlorella powder, because the tablets cause me gastritis.
The positive contributions of chlorella are the following:
Decrease in headaches that for years had been disabling, a better form.
I am going to continue until the end of the year, but I don’t know what the maintenance dose is?
My daughters have tried it, one had headaches after 48 hours and then felt much better, for the other, apart from the increase in transit, she tolerates it well.
I already bought Chlorella in an organic store before (from Taiwan), and the arguments put forward on your site convinced me to try your product, which is made in Europe (guarantee of traceability) and in a protected atmosphere (i.e. your production method in a tube).
I consume this chlorella regularly throughout the year and more particularly in autumn and at the end of winter, periods when I used to feel more atonic, more vulnerable to flu and viral infections (such as cold sores). I must say that there has been a clear improvement in the last few years: the few flu infections that I have suffered have been much less than in my family or professional environment (no intense fatigue, for example, as I had felt in the last decade) and fever blisters have almost disappeared (only one small attack, which was quickly stopped, probably due to the fatigue of a move).
Moreover, having considerably reduced my consumption of red meats and cold meats these last years (without becoming a vegetarian!) I have not had to deplore any anemia (my blood tests confirmed it), which I owe (perhaps?) to this dietary accompaniment of chlorella. I have also recommended your chlorella to my ex-husband who has been taking it regularly ever since (he is a great sportsman, having excluded meat from his diet, he had suffered from repeated anaemia before integrating this food supplement into his diet) as well as to a teacher-researcher friend who very quickly noticed an improvement in the quality of her sleep. I therefore continue to trust your product despite its cost, which is unfortunately not within the reach of everyone.
Great, chlorella has helped me get rid of a number of problems:
Dermatological: less intolerant skin.
General well-being recovered, no more attacks of tiredness, I finally stopped having insomnia! no more migraines. I have regained my morale, no more anxiety attacks, hair that grows very quickly, white nails.
My spouse is also testing it and is delighted.
I would like to tell you my testimony. I’ve been taking chlorella for only 2 days and I don’t feel any fatigue anymore. I’ve been suffering for years from chronic fatigue where I sleep too often and at any time. As I feel tired all the time, it’s been 2 days that I don’t sleep at all, so I have an energy boost. The time that my body gets used to it and I will be able to sleep again. I may have exaggerated by taking 6 tablets a day in one go during these 2 days. I should have taken 3 or 4 to start with because I really have too much energy, it’s incredible. I also feel an inner calm, less stress as mentioned in your site. The stress probably came from a deficiency in something that the chlorella filled. I am not ready to stop using chlorella, it is the only plant that manages to put me back on my feet and God knows I have tried hundreds of different things that improve a little but not like clorella. Thank you for all these studies on this plant that will help many people and as the mind is one I will even say that this plant will help thousands or even millions of people.
With kind regards,