Program for the detoxification of heavy metals according to Klinghardt
For the detoxification of heavy metals, Klinghardt recommends the use of organic chlorella along with Allium ursinum (also known as bear’s garlic) and Coriandrum.
This program (P1 and P2) lasts 3-4 months altogether and requires 1.2-1.5 kg of chlorella, according to the given average doses. A preventative treatment lasts 3 months and requires 350 grams of chlorella.
P1 – Program for people preparing for the extraction of dental amalgams (silver fillings)

Before beginning a detoxification treatment, be sure to consult your dentist to verify whether it is necessary to extract your amalgams, especially if they are recent.
Begin taking extra pure chlorella vulgaris as early as possible before extraction of the amalgams to test your reaction to the supplement and adjust the dosage as needed.
In the days preceding the extraction, start by taking 6 tablets of 0,5g per day. Progressively increase the dosage to reach 12 tablets of 0,5g the day before the extraction. Tablets should be taken in the morning upon waking up, between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner, and at night before going to bed.
The day of the extraction, take 12 tablets of 0,5g four times: in the morning upon waking up, before the procedure, after the procedure, and at night before going to bed.
After the extraction, follow the P2 detoxification program.
P2 – Program for people without dental amalgams who tolerate chlorella well

Phase 1: Intensive treatment of about 6 weeks
During the first week, take 12 to 15 chlorella tablets of 0,5g four times a day: in the morning upon waking up, between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner, and at night before going to bed.
Starting the second week of treatment, take 12 to 15 tablets of 0,5g four times a day, as during the first week. Additionally, take 1-5 (or up to 10) drops of a mother tincture containing Allium ursinum 1-3 times a day before meals. This dose should be adjusted slowly according to your reactions to it.
Once the Allium ursinum is tolerated well, begin to take 1-5 drops of Coriandrum in a mother tincture 1-3 times a day at the end of meals. This dose should also be adjusted gradually according to your reactions.
Note that the mother tincture can be replaced by powder, which is less concentrated.
Phase 2: Treatment of at least 2 months
After completing Phase 1, take 6 to 10 tablets of 0,5g per day in 2-3 doses before meals. Continue to take the doses of Allium ursinum and Coriandrum as well.
It is recommended to maintain this program year-round.
A quote from Dr. Klinghardt:
“Pay attention. There are all kinds of chlorella on the market. This algae…must be cultivated ‘in tunnels,’ away from pollution. If it is not, you get algae that is already full of [heavy] metals and is therefore minimally effective.” (From an article by Michel Dogna of Journal Soignez vous, N°26, « Mort lente par les métaux lourds »)
Hello! Can I take chlorella at the same time that I start taking mimosa putica?
Yes, not at the same moment (wait 1 hour minimum)
We do not know about this product however general rule is to wait 1 hour between chlorella intake and other complements.
May I take chlorella with zeolite together at the same time?
It is always better to wait one hour to take another supplement.
Where can I get the best quality of chlorella –
High quality Chlorella eChlorial is grown in Glass tubes, in Europe, certified Organic.
I was just wondering if chlorella helps to lower genetic cholesterol?
Not sure about genetic chlesterol but chlorella does help regulate it, more info on this article : Chlorella and Cholesterol.
I had 8 amalgams removed about 5 years ago and the dentist did not use the safe protocols. I am having issues that look like heavy metals. Can I use fresh Cilantro with the Chorella and if so do I take at the same time, or delay the Chorella an hour or so?
Fresh Cilantro is also very good for health
Concentration can be not enough for detox