The seven lies and dangers to know absolutely about chlorella! Properties, hazards, production methods, benefits, etc.
Lie #1 : Chlorella’s cell wall must be “broken” to be digested, otherwise it is ineffective
This is undoubtedly the most widespread lie about chlorella. It is mainly found on US sites (with the term “broken cell wall“). Selling the properties of chlorella, these sites explain that chlorella’s cells must be pulverized in order to be properly digested!
This is absolutely false, this flaw has been turned into a selling argument by the vast majority of chlorella producers using open ponds, which are completely unprotected productions from the external environment. These producers must imperatively lower the bacterial level of the culture, which can be dangerous for health and especially for the liver if chlorella is mixed with toxins. Unable to use the heat that would remove fragile and valuable nutrients, they use mechanical high-pressure cleaning techniques. This process is very effective in reducing the level of microorganisms, but it undoubtedly mistreats chlorella cells. The content of the chlorella in open cells is then exposed to air and loses quality. The claims of these sites are not based on any scientific value or study.
There is only one study on this subject. It shows that the digestibility rate of chlorella is similar for “broken” cells and whole cells (about 80%). It is important to choose chlorella with intact cells capable of preserving the integrity of their precious contents.
Lie #2 : Do the “Organic Chlorella” “AB”, “Ecocert”… certifications issued by European organisations guarantee a European production?
The answer is No! the organic label or a European certification issued by a European body, such as AB, Ecocert… can be obtained even if the production is located outside Europe!
Organic chlorella, in the sense of the “organic” label regulated by European regulations, only exists since 2017.
Microalgae (chlorella, spirulina…) have recently been concerned by the definition of organic production rules defined to take into account their specificities. A specification for organic microalgae in Europe has just come into force (2017). Organic microalgae in accordance with European regulations are very new on the market. However, their production is more expensive because it requires the reprocessing of organic fertilizers before use.
For some years now, we have been able to see so-called “Organic” chlorella or spirulina on the market because of the commercial interest generated by this appellation. They come from China, the United States or more recently Germany. They claim different certifications that are not related to each other or to European regulations. Most often this is an abuse of the European organic label.
Why is the “Organic” term is such a sensitive subject for micro-algae?
For reasons intrinsic to aquatic culture. Indeed, the “Organic” certification requires the use of inputs of organic origin, thus involving the use of organic fertilizers. However, in an aqueous micro-medium very favorable to the development of microorganisms, those introduced with organic fertilizers will proliferate. This bacterial abundance makes the control of the microalgae culture medium very delicate. The organic fertilizer will feed the environment but it may also pollute it. There is a solution that consists in treating the organic fertilizer before its introduction into the environment. This additional operation is costly and remains delicate.
This is why the European “Organic” certification for microalgae has been specially defined in a specific specification for this type of crop and has been slow to be implemented.
Organic culture is a great approach, but it must not be done at the expense of product quality and even less in a purely commercial logic. eChlorial has always chosen to focus on product quality!
★ Since 2019 eChlorial has been offering organic chlorella and organic spirulina grown and packaged in Europe!
Lie #3 : Chlorella represents a danger during pregnancy
Like all products that can be consumed by pregnant women, we must be extremely careful when it comes to quality and origin. Chlorella can be very beneficial to pregnant women as long as it is of impeccable quality, like all the other products they consume on a daily basis. A study showed that a consumption of 6 grams of Chlorella per day during pregnancy reduced the concentration of dioxins in breast milk by about 30%.
See also ➤ The 6 Lies on Spirulina
Lie #4 : Chlorella is full of heavy metals
Is chlorella a heavy metal magnet (mercury, lead, cadmium…)? Yes, and that is one of the main reasons why it is famous! However, there is no reason why it should be saturated with heavy metals if its culture medium is strictly controlled, such as glass tube culture. Heavy metals are natural elements found all over our planet, in the water we drink and the food we eat. They are difficult to eliminate, so they accumulate over time. Their presence can be a problem when their quantity becomes too important. This is why it is beneficial to detoxify regularly and preferably with natural products.
Lie #5 : All chlorella are naturally rich in vitamin B12
Chlorella cultivated in fermenters are cultivated in an almost-sterile environment that does not allow the production of vitamin B12. Since 2014, chlorella grown in fermentors has been available on the market. Synthetic vitamin B12 can be added to the final product, the chlorella sold will be “rich in B12” but not “naturally rich in B12”.
Chlorella eChlorial, grown in glass tubes using natural sunlight, is naturally rich in vitamin B12!
Lie #6 : Chlorella cures everything: cancer, liver, detox…
Chlorella has many benefits! It is considered a food whose micronutrients composition is such that the health authorities have accepted that it is marketed as a food supplement. Chlorella has many health benefits : it cleanses the body and enriches it with valuable essential nutrients, and we all know that a clean and well oiled and well fed engine works well and for a longer time.
It will be able to solve problems if they are related to heavy metal poisoning or physiological weakness or deficiency. It can also reduce pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, but it will not cure the problem that causes it. Thus the reduction in the pain of osteoarthritis is significant but stopping the consumption of chlorella will not maintain its effects.
Lie #7 : The country of origin of chlorella
The origin or the “lie by omission”! 99% of the chlorella available online, organic stores and pharmacies come from Asia. Most of these brands are careful not to disclose the origin of their chlorella, which is bought at a very low price and grown under conditions that are difficult to verify. Only a few brands have the transparency to share the origin of their product, most do not mention any origin. Beware of the words “Made in …” which simply means that the product has been packaged on the territory, but not necessarily grown in your country.
Chlorella Grown in Glass Tubes in Europe

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What is the product says “Product of…”? Is it true that it’s best to get chlorella from Taiwan?
Taiwan’s chlorella can be very good, but if you want a very pure chlorella we suggest : organic chlorella grown in glass tubes.
Hi, I was wondering what you think of SunChlorella’s products? Only negative side effect is a few very small red patches at different places on the body. Could this be the toxins coming out? And, I was wondering about storage in these months with the house heat at like 80 degrees. Should it be refridgerated? Also one last question (lol, sorry don’t know who else to ask) I saw a review where a guy with metal implants had a really bad reaction and got a severe rash & bleeding at the site of his implants. My husband has metal implants and wants to try it but I cautioned him against it. Thoughts?
Hello, unfortunately we cannot comment on other chlorella brands’ quality. We only recommend to select a chlorella that is very pure and ideally grown in a perfectly controlled environment. Chlorella should not need to be refregirated but kept in a closed, dry environment at a temperature that should not exceed 30°C. Chlorella is the best natural detoxifier that we know of, it cannot hurt, but is up to each person to decide if they want to try it or not. Kind regards
I’ve read that chlorella can be dangerous for people with amalgam fillings and that it can release metals into the bloodstream if not taken with another binder.
Most people have at least one amalgam in their mouth!
There is no danger in consuming chlorella when you are polluted with heavy metals or other toxic elements that you should get rid of. Many scientific studies attest to this.
If you have mercury in your mouth, it is doubly recommended to take chlorella
It is a remarkable “chelator” capable of capturing one ppb of heavy metals in its environment. It is also used as a hypersensitive living sensor. Once captured by its membrane, the pollutant does not escape. It will be eliminated with the undigested membrane, via the faeces.
We invite you to read the explanations on how the detox with chlorella works.
Is your chlorella, “Chlorella Pyrenoidosa”, or another type?
Chlorella eChlorial is from the strain vulgaris. See the article Differences between vulgaris and pyrenoidosa ?
Do you test each batch of chlorella to verify its purity and confirm there are no contaminants?
Yes, each batch is tested to verify it meets the quality requirements.
I would like to start to take your product but I first have a question.
I heard that it can interfere with blood thinners? I used to take coumadin but am now taking Nattokinase (a natural blood thinner)
Is Chlorella also a natural blood thinner or does it do the opposite?
Thank you, Ronae
Hello, It’s not advisable to take chlorella if you’re on anticoagulants as Chlorella contains a lot of vitamin K.
Does chlorella cause blood clots as this is a concern if trying to reduce stroke and myocardial infarction.
On the contrary, chlorella has proven its benefits in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. See also : Chlorella stabilizes cholesterol
I just want to give a shout out to all the wonderful information on this website. My 3 year old boy with Down syndrome has and iron deficiency and I have included chorella into his diet, a sprinkle here a sprinkle there, I find it is so much more beneficial than the toxic prescription iron supplements the Drs wanted him to take.
Also for myself I have it daily and I’m iron levels have improved 🙌 my mood and energy levels.